Am having thin hairs, without perm they are looking bad, but how often am ability to do perm?
A perm affecting on hairs depending from theirs structure, for hard, oily hairs you can not worry, and do perm for 2 times/year, as fashion perm as vertical by,which after gel manufacturing creating for hairs are kinds for wetting spirals. If hairs are dry, break, a perm will theirs damage stronger,thus avoid perms, but if to do in half-one year. And avoid to dye hairs with perm, they are over dryness and falling. If you want to dye hairs, thus doing in 2-3 weeks after perm.Care for hairs, thin dried hairs before perm to cure need,wet hairs of head with agrimony oil, olive or corn with adding lemon juice as of 3 tbl.sp. oil and 5-6 drops of lemon juice or juice of birch/one tea.sp. , hairs will be elast and lively. And if you are done perm, you must good care for hairs, water need to soft with soda or boiled water wash hairs or glycerinr for one time in 2-3 weeks, also adding rinsing as with antistatic effect are improving hairs structure, give elast. If you found these remedies at pharmacy rinse hairs with boiled water adding in one l. of water 6 perc. of vinegar or juice of half lemon. Doing at home styling, do not forget are thin hairs wet with lemon juice,warmed with beer or bread kvas,thus you hairs will beauty stay ,tight and in perm.
By Akopan, doctor-cosmetologist by clinic Institute for beauty.
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