Is suddenly heart shortenings often, when theirs numbers rise on 120 /min, and creating unfavourable conditions for heart work. As consumes more oxygen, and energy more consumes, that leading to development of relative coronary failure.
As here in situation, try to self affect on wandering nerve, exciting of which delays heart shortenings .Thus, you must deeply breathe in, and delay breath, and stronger push , try to cause vomiting, if not help, use 50–60 drops of valocordin , or 15 drops by Votchal , diluting theirs in water or add 5-7 drops on the sugar piece and put under tongue.Lie in bed with small pillow over head. If pulse not rare stayed, thus in 10-15 min ,since attack begun, call a doctor.
In bradycardia.
Low ability for sinus nodule to work evenly , thus rises tone of wandered nerve . A frequency for heart shortenings are faster lowering, till 40 hits/min, thus at your home pharmacy always keeping Zelenini drops, as on attack drip 10–12 drops in 1/2 glass of water, drink remedy and lie. If not improved begun, in 10–15 minutes since the attack, call a doctor. If collapse begun , right away call for doctor. As for a whole time you cannot fight attacks, but lead theirs frequency to minimum you can, thus a first re check an own menu. As from ration, avoid cholesterol food , sugar and hard digesting. These are pork, fromage, spices, caffeine, eggs, try to change on vegetable food, but fat food are having lots a cholesterol, and leading to atherosclerosis. Eat slowly, less, as over fillet stomach causes on irritation of wandering nerve, suppressing functions for sinus nodule, in which displaying heart impulses. And still for preventing methods are moderate physical loads, as simple morning gymnastic, evening walks, as regular these doing, you can ability to do an enough big physical load, as without dyspnoe, or bad feeling in heart. Ask in doctor about a future rising loads, that would a benefit for you are: skies walks ,jog s runs. Clinical experiences shows, that regular trains are affecting for heart muscle work more effectivity, and suddenly fast move or tension will not threaten for your trouble. Avoid static loads, not carry heavy luggages, bags, not move furniture, not nag firewoods . Static moves are faster rising arterial pressure, and a need suddenly to activate heart work is a not rare staying to reason a rhythm wrong and temp for heart shortenings. But from a dangerously static tensions are nobody not insured, and even a good by physically trained person.
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