6. Touch ankles.
Legs put on the shoulders width, hands low with palms bacl, slightly bending knees/picture 1 a/, this pose is initial for doing exercise 6. On breathe in, straightening knee, rise straigneded hands up, slightly bend back and stretch, not not tearing off heels from the floor.Breathing ot, slowly incline to the front. spine is straight /picture 16.
Bend still lower and try to catch by wrists are ankles, close head to knees/picture 1в ,stay in this position for 3-5 sec, after doing breathe in, on begin slowly rise head, after straight, returning in initial position. If for you a hard this exercise doing,thus not bending lower, incline catching are legs parts, to which you can to rich, repeat inclines three times. Suffering of hypertension and atherosclerosis not down head very low.Regula doing exercise affecting for organs waist region, as affecting good on the kidneys, and development muscles of pelvis.
7. Accept pose a rider, do by left leg a step in side, slightly sit, attention especcial pay on your body keept straigh, toes of legs directed to the front or slightly inside, hands are not strong pressed in fists/picture 2a/, on breathe in , bending hands in elbows, rise theirs till breast level, after doing breathe out, straight left hand, move her to side/to left/, at the same time with moving a hand return head and widely open eyes look on the left fist/picture 26/.Think , that you are look on enemy, a whish to fight his and conquer victory.
On breathe in bend left hand at breast , after both hands rise up over head, elbows are bended/picture 2 в, breathe out, open palms and wavely low hands though sides /picture 2гб and accept pose for rider.Same move doing with right right hand, all are doing 3 moves in every side. China s specialists are consider ,that exercise strenthening will, help receiving confidence at own forces,and affecting on developming eye muscles and stabilaze artherial pressure.
8. Fight tension. Stand up, legs are together, hands down, palms are paralelly for floor, fingers directed to the front /picture 3 a/, check for muscles body are not tensed. On breathe in slowly rise on toes a more highrer, squeeze buttocks /picture 3б, delay on the momentb in this position, after relaxing with breathe out, low slightly hit with heels in floor, avoid a string hit! Base principle for Baduanjiin is wave and not sharp exercises. And in doing this exercise top part for corpus is not mobility, doing are 5-7 rises.Exercises strengthening for legs muscles and activates blood circulation, helping fighting nervouse-muscle tension.We are ended study for gymnastic Baduanjiin/Begin exercises am will share also, but you here can search through google too!. When you are good exercises doing are all , slowly increase theirs quantities theirs doing on 2-3 times, keep exercises sequence, keep for breath,he is synchrone with moves, and doing gymnastic on an everyday.Thus just are 8 silk tapes lead dear readers to health and longevity.By Denisova, instructor-methodologist.
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