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Home animals also curing with herbs. All about veterinary.

The effectiveness of the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of domestic animals is still underestimated by many owners of cats and dogs. In part, this phenomenon is explained by a massive advertising chemicals and grafted to us from childhood habit to believe in the omnipotence of traditional medicine.Of course, organic chemistry has made impressive progress in the synthesis of chemical compounds with desired pharmacological properties. These drugs have a narrow focus of action, easy to dosage and reception. However, the main drawback of these drugs is their alien organisms of animals caused by a number of side effects, often reducing to zero the positive effects of drugs. Another problem of chemical drugs are failures and disturbances caused by them in the functioning of a healthy animal organs. This negative effect is especially true for drugs antitumor and antiviral groups as well as for the treatment of diseases of the skin and kidneys.On the other hand, we all tend to exaggerate the protective properties of vaccines and vaccination, although the scientists are not so optimistic in this regard. As a result of vaccination infectious diseases in cats and dogs often exist in a latent form, causing chronic disturbances in the body.Otherwise, things with herbal remedies, most of which are similar in nature an animal. They are easily digested and easily incorporated into the biochemical processes. Even after prolonged use, they rarely lead to the development of adverse reactions. Phytotherapy significantly expands the possibilities for the treatment of the causes of diseases of animals, rather than its symptoms due to natural mobilization of biological self-defense mechanisms of the body.Selection of an effective synthetic drugs require experimental verification of thousands of different substances, while any medicinal plants immediately after application exhibits valuable pharmacological properties with virtually no toxicity.For effective treatment of diseases of cats and dogs need a reasonable combination of synthetic drugs with more natural for them herbal remedies. Many herbs have strong detoxifying and antidotal properties, which makes it possible to reduce the negative effects of drugs, reduce the incidence of side effects and drug disorders.Herbal medicine is not the monopoly man as sick animals in their natural habitat without our help instinctively find the right treatment plants. You could even say that it is more common for animals, as their relationship with nature is more natural and harmonious. Domesticating animals, we deprive them of this life-giving connection, dooming powered harmful products and treatment of toxic synthetic means. Therefore, many pedigree dogs and cats nowadays suffer from the same disease as their owners (allergies, tumors).Over the past decade, the disease of cats and dogs have changed considerably, both in its structure and in severity. Superiority in this list belongs to chronic diseases of the digestive system, skin, urinary system. This disease is largely consistent with the spectrum of therapeutic action of the most common herbal remedies.Let us consider herbal remedies used in herbal medicine animals pre-sorted them by type of treatment modality.For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases can be used hawthorn, digitalis, fennel, lily of the valley, parsley, lovage and decoction of the root;Antispasmodic effect have: lavender, sweet clover, parsley, mint, fruit, anise, fennel;In diseases of the liver can be used: thyme (thyme), chicory, peppermint, calendula;From flatulence help: mint, cumin, dill;When enteritis and enterocolitis use cumin;Has anti-inflammatory action: parsley, anise and caraway fruits;A good diuretic effect have: oregano, black elderberry flowers, dandelion, tarragon, watercress, juniper, as well as roots and seeds of celery;As a laxative experienced phytotherapist certainly advise your pets rhubarb, borage, aloe, lemon balm, calendula or flaxseed;Cough action have: field horsetail, buckwheat, oak bark, an infusion of flowering herbs cornflower and black radish juice;As an antipyretic can be used: anise ordinary, lime, raspberry, cranberries, St. John's wort, nard, mother and stepmother, Viola tricolor;Has anti-allergic effect: chamomile, calendula, yarrow, peony, nettle, bloodroot, bark oak, poplar buds, fruits, blueberries;Antifungal properties are: mugwort, Boudreau warty, yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, cottonweed, red clover, Atriplex patula, tansy, burdock;Gastric ulcer is useful fireweed (Epilobium) and calendula;Fixing action has: cranberries, erect cinquefoil, Air marsh, plantain, nard, oak (bark), sage, alder, yarrow, shepherd's purse, chicory, sorrel;To improve the appetite, you can use: coriander, celery, basil, cumin, fennel, dandelion and yarrow;For the healing of external wounds using snakeweed , basil, calendula and plantain;Antiscorbutic action has horseradish, tarragon and watercress;Burns help arnica, calendula and nettle;Possess expectorant herbal based primroses, pansies, thyme, coltsfoot. The same effect has a decoction of the root Elecampane, fruit, anise, dill, butter and fruit infusion of fennel, mallow, marjoram;To the grass with a good sedative effects include: cuff, valerian root (except cats!), Hops, fennel and oregano.As we can see, for the treatment of diseases of animals used the same herbs as for the people.However, for those who want to prepare their own herbal medicines for the treatment of dogs and cats, we should remember that they should be prepared only on the basis of water extracts, but not finely ground plant parts. In the gastrointestinal tract of cats and dogs are no enzymes capable of unprepared vegetable extract mixture therapeutic agents and carry out their activation. What does this mean? Makes the present better stronger, but for its preparation to take large The crushed raw materials. In a glass of boiling water will need a tablespoon of raw materials with a slide. Insist at least one hour. And certainly good strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Typically, herbal extracts are added to drinking water or from a pipette (or syringe without needle) in pure form shortly before feeding. Exceptions bitterness (wormwood), which can be mixed with food and give as an anthelmintic.The estimated dose extracts of herbal remedies for the treatment of dogs:With a weight of up to 9 kg - 3 hours. L. (15 ml)from 9 to 23 kg - 4 hours. l. (20 ml)from 23 to 36 kg - 5 hours. l. (25 ml)weighs more than 36 kg 6 hours. l. (30 mL).Herbal medicine for chronic diseases of dogs must continue at the same dosage for 8-12 weeks.Cats has its own dose infusions of herbs. For example, in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines corresponding therapeutic dose of herbal tincture must be for them to 10 ml (2 hrs. L.), And the preventive - 5 ml (1 teaspoon) Infusion given 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before feeding.Dogs who have had chemotherapy in the treatment of piroplasmosis, is essentialquality vitamin and herbal medicinal support. The body of the dog should recover from a double whammy: infection and subsequent use of drugs that cause a devastating blow to the liver. Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners vets nothing better than gepabene, can not offer. Although there is a long list of herbs that can and must be connected to a speedy recovery of the animal. This St. John's wort, birch buds, flowers echinacea, cleavers herb, meadowsweet flowers, pine buds, flowers, clover and fireweed, hips, yarrow and licorice root.Another fairly common problem in pets - neoplasms.Treatment of tumors should be based on the main principle: no amateur in the selection of herbs. If you are not confident in their knowledge, treat animals ready commercial phytopreparation "Tsitostat" although nothing top secret it does not contain.At the plant complex consists of: mint, St. John's wort, birch leaf, licorice, barberry, bedstraw, Boudreau, mullein, calendula, meadowsweet, everlasting, cottonweed, shepherd's purse (seasoned before it within one year), willow-herb, comfrey, burnet , oregano, echinacea, burdock, celandine, nettle, hellebore, Agrimony, lemon balm, horsetail, clover, Chaga. We should also mention the most important active components of the drug. You can use them separately if recreate such a complex collection you can not.Nettle has marked therapeutic activity with respect to breast cancer. Chaga inherent protivoopulehovoe cytostatic action, including in relation to breast cancer. Oregano is useful for benign tumors, such as mastitis. Cottonweed performs drainage and cleaning function with respect to the skin. Horsetail, birch leaves, everlasting and burdock help the body cleanse itself of toxins formed in the destruction of tumor cells.Despite the fact that in relation to dogs and cats herbal medicine is virtually no alternative approach to maintaining their health at a high level, you can not always do the basic rate on medicinal herbs. When exacerbation of disease is necessary to resort to the use of strong medication, allows you to quickly stop the development of the pathological process. In the next phase of treatment is possible and necessary to connect the above herbal preparations for recovery. The duration of the course should not be less than one month.Opposite situation is possible when using fitosredstv did not give the expected results. In this case, in order not to lose precious time, have to resort to drug therapy.Before the course of herbal medicine dog or cat, read all the available thematic information about the features of the application and the nature of the action selected medicinal herbs or collection. Not in all cases acceptable to use herbs for the treatment of dogs, herbal medicine for diseases of cats and vice versa.Even such a useful berry like blueberries, requires proper application. For example, the infusion of the dried berries effective for dogs with diarrhea, and fresh blueberries, on the contrary is shown with constipation.Cats do not tolerate citrus essential oils, but abscesses, ulcers and scabies ears have healed well with essential oils of lavender, chamomile and tea tree.Speaking of the tumor and treatment of skin diseases in animals by external means, it should be note that, compared with the reception herbal infusions inwardly use of ointments based on medicinal plants in dosage is not as critical. After the animal's skin is coarser compared with the human skin, so any ointment, even on the basis of poisonous herbs, using conventional methods. Good results in the fight against tumors, fibroadenoma of the breast, breast in cats and dogs have been obtained by applying ointments hemlock with silver ions, toadflax, McClure, arborvitae. With herpes, fungal infections, itching skin treatment successfully used tincture Macklem, heart, followed by treatment with ointments celandine and black Veselov MVSpecialist Russian Herbalism


  1. If your cat is sick, do not rush to stuff her pills (it is certainly not a question of serious diseases requiring compulsory consultation of a veterinarian and medical treatment). In nature, animals usually find a way to cure yourself - eat medicinal plants, but our pets are deprived of such opportunities. You can help them by using the medicinal properties of some plants. We give here only those whose use "over the counter" quite safe.

    If the animal does not want to drink a decoction of medicinal herbs (which is not only possible, but very likely), you must use "technical means" - a small rubber "pear" or pipette (depending on the size of your pet). The same criterion is determined by the number of medical infusion or decoction. For cats, small dogs and puppies dose recommended single dose ranges from teaspoon to a tablespoon. Large dogs need to 0.5-1 cups of broth.

    Red clover (flowers, leaves) - contributes to the harmonious development of kittens and puppies, as well as restoration of power after an illness of animals. To prepare 1 tbsp. l. flowers brewed cup of boiled water, 30 minutes, strain.

    LINDEN (Color) - Flask has a calming effect on the nervous system of the animal, increases the excretion of urine and bile, has diaphoretic, antipyretic, analgesic, expectorant and anti-microbial properties. To prepare three tablespoons raw pour one cup of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Can be used as an additional tool for the treatment of infectious diseases of cats and dogs, especially diseases of the stomach, liver, intestine, and kidneys.

    Burdock (rhizome) - is used as a detoxifying, antibacterial, antifungal and healing wounds. To prepare a cold extract 3 g of finely crushed root is added 250 ml of cold water, infused for 5 hours, then filtered. Used externally (can you rinse infusion hair after bathing the animal).

    PEPPERMINT (leaves) - has a calming and soothing, anti-inflammatory and choleretic, antispasmodic and diuretic, wound healing, mild laxative effect, as well as anticonvulsant and hemostatic properties. Improves digestion in dogs reduces the acidity of gastric juice. To prepare 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. Some breeders use this plant to eliminate halitosis pet.

    Shepherd's Purse (rhizome) - hemostatic agent in lung, kidney, uterine and gastric bleeding in wounds, diarrhea. For infusion of 15 g of grass pour a glass of cooled boiled water, insist for 8 hours, then filtered. Warning! Infusion of this plant can not be used for the treatment of pregnant animals.

    Chamomile (flowers, leaves) - infusion is used as an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, choleretic, astringent and laxative, helps neutralize allergic reactions. To prepare fresh daisies brewed with boiling water and insist 10 - 15 minutes (1 hour. L. Shredded flowers and leaves of chamomile to 1 cup water). Indispensable in the gastric infections in cats and dogs, and a beneficial effect on rodents (they can try to offer this plant in its raw form).

    FENNEL (fruit) - infusions and decoctions are used to improve appetite and digestion of animals, elimination of spasms of the stomach and bowels, flatulence. It will not hurt and in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For infusion 2 tbsp. l. fennel fruits placed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, close lid and heated for 1 to 5 minutes, then cooled, filtered, raw wring out and bring the infusion to the original volume of boiled water.

    Garlic (fresh bulbs) - rich in vitamins and, moreover, is an excellent preventive measure against helminths and other parasites. No effect on the bowel. One dog ration desired elements. About once every two weeks your pet should receive half garlic cloves, finely chopped or crushed. It must be remembered that any dog ​​food should be taught as a puppy. For sale is a huge amount of garlic substitutes that puppy will accept with great pleasure.



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