Try to train every day, thus in case trains give benefit, when you are learned exercises, for all complex goes 15 min, and check for wave moves, synchrony with breath, tongue slightly touched for palate top, and attention concentrated on an exercise doing.
And you are learned about paradoxical breath and in breath in through nose belly is draw in, in breathe out is protrusion . Remember , every exercise is a continuation for last, thus transfer from one move to other is must be not continuous.
12. Waves swinging. Left leg moved to the front, centre of heaviness transfer on the right leg, left leg touching a floor, just by heel, toe of left hand raised, hands bend in elbows before breast. In swinging to the front, hands straight and move by them to the front and down, like pushing away a wave. After in swinging backhands bending in elbows, rising up, till are wrists not lead to head level. You ,like a pull wave on yourself, and here hands bending in elbows, palms turned to the front, and centre for heaviness transfer again on the right leg./picture 1.
Doing exercise for 6 times.
Note. In a moving hands to the front-breathe out, in back moves by hands is breathing in.
Moves imitating are rolling and rolling back waves. Attention is on the wrists.
Effect. A good affecting exercises on spleen, liver, and china s specialist advice in lungs diseases, intercostal neuralgia, neurasthenia, insomnia.
13. Dove spreading wings.
Left leg forward to front, transfer centre of heaviness to the right leg and on breadth to pull out straightened hands by palms to the front to each other. Given by corpus to the front, on breath in maximally separate hands in sides and transfer body weight to the left leg, heel of right leg here slightly rising /picture2/. Repeat exercise for 6 times.
Note. Hands moves , body transfer of heaviness and breath must be synchrony. Attention is on the breast cell.
Therapeutic effect. Exercise affecting a good effect in liver diseases, lungs, heart, and in neuralgias.
14. Hits by fists.
Transfer in position on quarter squat, press wrists and fists and bend hands on the waist level, press theirs to sides. With a force push out right hand to the front,at the same time breathing out, and after on breath in return her to initial position. Repeat same move by left hand/picture 3.
Exercise to do for 6 times by every hand.
Note. Breathe in to do from a transfer from a position with moved to the front a leg on a position quarter squat, when bent in elbow hand finding in waist, pressed in fist a wrist is must have turned by fingers up. In pushing out hand, a wrist turn by fingers down. Attention here on fists, eyes looking on fists by pushed out hand.
Effect. This exercise common strengthening affecting on organism, helping in neurosis, neuralgias, insomnia, increasing mobility of breast cell, that importance for patients, suffering a bronchial asthma.
15. Fly of wild goose. Stand up, separate hands in sides, on breathe out sit down, a how you can, at the same time low hands, straight corpus keep, rise hands on breath in return back /picture 4.
Repeat exercise for 6 times.
Note. In move up heels are move from a floor, attention and on knees, and hands.
Effect. Exercise fight nervousness, and recommending in dizziness, neuralgias, neurosis.
16. Turning wheel. On a position, quarter squat, hands down for body along. Keeping hands for each other parallelly, incline corpus to the left. Synchrony moves by transfer both hands to left direction through head to the right, outlining big circle by hands is on the clockwise, and here is your corpus incline to the right. Move must maximally wave, in rising hands -breathe in, in down - breathe out. Amplitude for circle move hands is maximal/picture 5/.
Circle move, doing on 3 times to the left, after 3 times to the right.
Note. In circle hands move corpus bending in waist. Attention here is on the waist. Effect.
This is exercise strengthening waist muscles, legs, shoulder belt, and preventing obesity.
17. Hits by ball in earth.
Rise left leg, at the same rise right hand till shoulder level. Hit by right hand in ball imaginary, by springy, put leg is on the earth and breathe in. Analogic move doing by right leg and left hand on breathe in/picture 6.
Repeat exercise on 6 times with every side.
Not. Moves are easy and springy. Attention is on the legs rising.
Try to feel easy and funny, like a child playing with a ball .
Effect. An exercise fighting tiredness, restoring forces, increasing joints mobility wrists of and feet, help in insomnia, and neuralgia.
18. Hands down and energy balancing.
A last exercise from complex are by china s specialists having for stabilization breath and harmonization of energy flows in organism. Stand up, and low hands to hips levels. Turn hands by palms down, fingers to each other, on breath in rise theirs to eyes level. Turn hands up by palms and on breath in low theirs till level of low belly parts/picture 7.
Repeat exercise are 6 times.
Slow moves and wave, attention is on the palms.
When hands moves up, all body slightly rising, hands beginning turning by palms up, since a moment, when they are leading for nose level. In hands move down, knees slightly bend.
Effect. Calming for a cardiovascular system, and nerve, helping in hypertension, stomach disease, and bowel.
Ending complex are massage for palms and face.
An ending move by a last exercise ,right away, softly , but faster rub hands about each other for 20 times. Attention is on the palms. Stroke by palms a face from a chin-up , and after till top. This is by traditional china s medicine affecting for rejuvenation skin of cells. Repeat such massage a few times. Optimal his continuate for 1-2 min, attention is on the face.
By Smirnova, orientalist , Belous.
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