319.A how-to check pressure without a tonometer.
Hypertension is stable pressure rising, as much from us are not know about this and not feeling. But symptoms are headaches, blood current to the head, nose bleeding, nausea, but most often she is hiding, as calling her a hidden killer. And if you are sure, that you having hypertension a first of all avoid are bad habits of smoking, alcohol addicted, salt limiting and less stress and physical work till tiredness. Drink fresh beet juice with honey mixing as one to one, as use three tbl.sp. 3 times a day.
320. I am having hypertension, but I am enjoying green tea.
Black tea is not better, that green, but if you are not drinking his abundant. As green tea rises pressure if you are drinking much, but on less to stabilize, and green tea has tannins which benefit in diarrhea, as positive effect for heart, rising heart muscle capacity work, as delay c vitamin in organism, thus helps for cold cure, good saturating, slimming, gives oxygen, cleans teeth, skin, keeping rejuvenation, calm eyes as give shiness, digestive meal, rises mood, rising life-prolonging, drink his.
321. My friend shared, that exercise having for the hands of fingers as pressure lows.
Yes, I am sure about a mudra, helping in hypertension. As big fingers connect of both hands,s with side tops, direction fingers straightening and connecting, other fingers are crossing. As doing such mudra concentrating cure energy for canals, and directing her for normalization of vessels destroys, which are reasons for hypertension.

322. How calendula cures hypertension.
As healers advise for the look on her and breath in her aroma, as of this headache stops, caused hypertension, but an effective cure of flowers in vodka as 20 to 100, infuse week, use on 30 drops for 3 times a day, and rub her also in temples.
323. A true, that hibiscus cures hypertension.
Yes, use one tbl.sp. of fr. hibiscus in 3 glasses of water, boil 2 times and stew are 2 hours, use, as a tea within a day, and nothing liquid, not drinks, course are 1.5 months.
324. Am trust for aloe, she helps me as for cold, stomach, angina, wounds, but recently am knew, that he lows pressure.
Yes, use are three drops of fresh aloe juice in one tea.sp. diluting of boiled water, drink on an empty stomach, in 2 months pressure lows till norm.
325. As on my father 80 y.old pressure is high till 150 on 100, and headache with dizziness.
As very useful eat Fragaria vesca berries, black currant, cranberry chopped with sugar, honeysuckle.
326.How to use crataegus in hypertension.
As clean berries, use on 100 gr for 2 glasses of cold water, infuse night, boil, for ten minutes, cool, filter, use one glass for 3 times a day.
327. A how faster low pressure.
As wet in 6 perc. of apple vinegar or simple a piece of fabric and put to feets for ten minutes.
328. A what is hypertonic diet.
As her chopping meal is avoiding for a feeling hungry as effectivity in hypertension and using for one time in 15 days as to sit on a hypertonic diet is one day.
7.45 a.m use 20 drops of garlic drops with a drink her 0.5 glass of infusion ash berry, as one tbl.sp. berries add in glass for the hot water, infuse till a cooling, filter.
8.00 a drink infusion of hibiscus one glass as of 20 berries adding a glass of hot water, cook ten minutes is on weak fire at the closed dish, infuse day at the room, filter, as for taste add honey or jam, as for children lows on half.
10.00 drink glass of crataegus infusion, as a cook, like hibiscus of.
11.45 use are 20 drops of garlic infusion with 0.3 glass of beet red juice.
12.00 as vegetarian salt-free cabbage soup as on 0.5 l, with 50 gr of peas, 40 gr of carrot, 40 gr of beet, 40 gr of fresh cabbage, 40 gr of onion, 40 gr of garlic, all cook on weak fire in 4 glasses of water.
14.00 uses a glass of hibiscus infusion, diluting 20 drops of garlic infusion.
16.00 use one glass of carrot juice diluting one tea.sp. of garlic juice.
18.00 vegetarian cabbage salt-free soup is on 0.5 l.
20.00 use 0.5 glass of carrot juice with diluting one tea.sp. of garlic juice.
22.00 use glass of compote of dried fruits, diluting in her on 20 drops garlic infusion.
garlic infusion cook of 50 gr chopped garlic adding in 0.25 l. of vodka, infuse in dark, warm place for 12 days,shaking, and infuse a day. Care to filter through a fat gauze layer, keep in dark, cool place.
Hypertension is stable pressure rising, as much from us are not know about this and not feeling. But symptoms are headaches, blood current to the head, nose bleeding, nausea, but most often she is hiding, as calling her a hidden killer. And if you are sure, that you having hypertension a first of all avoid are bad habits of smoking, alcohol addicted, salt limiting and less stress and physical work till tiredness. Drink fresh beet juice with honey mixing as one to one, as use three tbl.sp. 3 times a day.
320. I am having hypertension, but I am enjoying green tea.
Black tea is not better, that green, but if you are not drinking his abundant. As green tea rises pressure if you are drinking much, but on less to stabilize, and green tea has tannins which benefit in diarrhea, as positive effect for heart, rising heart muscle capacity work, as delay c vitamin in organism, thus helps for cold cure, good saturating, slimming, gives oxygen, cleans teeth, skin, keeping rejuvenation, calm eyes as give shiness, digestive meal, rises mood, rising life-prolonging, drink his.
321. My friend shared, that exercise having for the hands of fingers as pressure lows.
Yes, I am sure about a mudra, helping in hypertension. As big fingers connect of both hands,s with side tops, direction fingers straightening and connecting, other fingers are crossing. As doing such mudra concentrating cure energy for canals, and directing her for normalization of vessels destroys, which are reasons for hypertension.

322. How calendula cures hypertension.
As healers advise for the look on her and breath in her aroma, as of this headache stops, caused hypertension, but an effective cure of flowers in vodka as 20 to 100, infuse week, use on 30 drops for 3 times a day, and rub her also in temples.
323. A true, that hibiscus cures hypertension.
Yes, use one tbl.sp. of fr. hibiscus in 3 glasses of water, boil 2 times and stew are 2 hours, use, as a tea within a day, and nothing liquid, not drinks, course are 1.5 months.
324. Am trust for aloe, she helps me as for cold, stomach, angina, wounds, but recently am knew, that he lows pressure.
Yes, use are three drops of fresh aloe juice in one tea.sp. diluting of boiled water, drink on an empty stomach, in 2 months pressure lows till norm.
325. As on my father 80 y.old pressure is high till 150 on 100, and headache with dizziness.
As very useful eat Fragaria vesca berries, black currant, cranberry chopped with sugar, honeysuckle.
326.How to use crataegus in hypertension.
As clean berries, use on 100 gr for 2 glasses of cold water, infuse night, boil, for ten minutes, cool, filter, use one glass for 3 times a day.
327. A how faster low pressure.
As wet in 6 perc. of apple vinegar or simple a piece of fabric and put to feets for ten minutes.
328. A what is hypertonic diet.
As her chopping meal is avoiding for a feeling hungry as effectivity in hypertension and using for one time in 15 days as to sit on a hypertonic diet is one day.
7.45 a.m use 20 drops of garlic drops with a drink her 0.5 glass of infusion ash berry, as one tbl.sp. berries add in glass for the hot water, infuse till a cooling, filter.
8.00 a drink infusion of hibiscus one glass as of 20 berries adding a glass of hot water, cook ten minutes is on weak fire at the closed dish, infuse day at the room, filter, as for taste add honey or jam, as for children lows on half.
10.00 drink glass of crataegus infusion, as a cook, like hibiscus of.
11.45 use are 20 drops of garlic infusion with 0.3 glass of beet red juice.
12.00 as vegetarian salt-free cabbage soup as on 0.5 l, with 50 gr of peas, 40 gr of carrot, 40 gr of beet, 40 gr of fresh cabbage, 40 gr of onion, 40 gr of garlic, all cook on weak fire in 4 glasses of water.
14.00 uses a glass of hibiscus infusion, diluting 20 drops of garlic infusion.
16.00 use one glass of carrot juice diluting one tea.sp. of garlic juice.
18.00 vegetarian cabbage salt-free soup is on 0.5 l.
20.00 use 0.5 glass of carrot juice with diluting one tea.sp. of garlic juice.
22.00 use glass of compote of dried fruits, diluting in her on 20 drops garlic infusion.
garlic infusion cook of 50 gr chopped garlic adding in 0.25 l. of vodka, infuse in dark, warm place for 12 days,shaking, and infuse a day. Care to filter through a fat gauze layer, keep in dark, cool place.
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