Thus means honey taking part active in rising functional condition for CNS , improving tissues feeds, and giving normal penetrating for blood vessels, stimulation of hematopoiesis .
Ascorbic acid and carotene entering in honey structure, rising organism stability to infections, stimulating antibodies manufacturing , increasing phagocytosis, and combination carotene with vitamin C and water dissolving thiamine giving eyes adaptation in night ,rising vision sharpness and widening fields for colour perception, A honey is antibacterial,anti- microbe and anti fungus effects having. High taste and food qualities are defining his nourishing appreciation. And glucose in honey, fructose, easy absorbing by liver creating his a very appreciated product in liver diseases as infection hepatitis, cirrhosis liver, cholecystopathias, honey not irritates stomach membrane and gastrointestinal, and having high energy value , in 100 gr of honey are 300 kcal. And its need to know in sugar diabetes, and who checking for ration calorie. By many years tests are advices 70 gr of honey /day for adults, and 40 gr /day for children's with mixture of vegetable, fruit juices, tea and milk, and separate this honey quantity on a few methods, thus your organism will absorb more micro elements and vitamins. Honey give for children till 1 y.old, since 2 months for babies to sweet water boiled with honey , and try to change sugar syrup on a few gr of honey.
Avoiding honey cure to bad enduring of, that before use or heal with honey try to check on individual bad enduring, that honey need to cause tearing, coughing, redness eyes, rashes, sneezing,weak stool as diarrhoea, thus for adult enough use one tea.sp. of honey, for baby one tea.sp. of honey, after 1 y.old for children is 0.5 tea.sp., for baby on breastfeeding 1-2 not a full tea.sp. sweetened water by honey.
At home with honey you can cook many dishes, as mixtures for preventing different diseases, as gastrointestinal, anal duct, trophic ulcers, burns, acnes, impotence. And these are a few honey drink recipes,for adult and children these are benefit, than Fanta and cola.
Dibrov s tonic.
Juice of aronia 200 gr , juice of black currant 100 gr, lemon acid 2 gr, honey 90 gr, and mineral water 100 gr, cool drink, and serve with ice pieces.
Honey-raspberry cocktail s by Dibrov.
75 gr of honey, juice of raspberry 75 gr, 1.5 gr of lemon acid, gas drink mineral water 130 gr.
Cool drink, as serve for, add in every glass 20 gr of ice.
Cold drink of honey.
In boiled hot water mix honey and lemon acid, filter drink, and serve cold. For water glass are 20-25 gr of honey, one gr. of lemon acid.
Apple water with honey.
Chopped apples cleaned add in water and boil 20 min on weak fire, add honey, lemon acid, cool, filter. A drink benefit very for children'ss , as for glass of water add 20-25 gr of honey, one gr of lemon acid.
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