On the last time to the working end day am feeling apathy, fatigue. Which am a doing, am not concentrating ability, as am endured a scull-brain injury, and doctors are sure,that its all related .Am recently found in press about a remedy Bemethyl, but its short info, that am understood ,that he is recommending for patients with organic damage CNS as in me, please share more about this remedy.
Its fact that to ending dayor weeks a person feeling fatigue, Thus in result of long work, are exchausting energy stocks and lowering work capacity as physical and mental. These declines are most visible,which coincide with stressed situations or apply bad feelings as over cooling and over heating. A base suppliera for energy in organism are glucose and glycogene, a most intensivity spent glucose, and most economic use energy stocks of organism helps remedy Bemethyl , its a actoprotector and in pharmacology substances are protector for activity. And a remedy calling are talking about gropus of remedies ,that base his effect for keeping work capacity, rising attention, strengthening memory long-term, and inder affecting this remedy organism switching on spare ways for manufacturing energy are splitting fats. And lowering work capacity is milk acid, which accumulating in organism in vital activity process as a physical work, but bemethyl affecting for acids forming less and directing a big her part on manufacturing energy. Is a soft psychostimulating effect having, as spreading and popular taking in psychiatric practise for curing neurosis and neurasthenias.When in patients with shizophrenias having astenic conditions,thus bemethyl taking rises level for motives, physical and psychical activity.Authour for letter understood right ,that remedy taking needing in organic damaging for CNS, but not just in scull-brain injuries, but in posonings, infection damages, vessel brain pathology. And tests on animals,which we are done, are highlighted still one effect in bemetyl ,that its remedy having anti sickness and immunestimulating activity, not destroying functions for cardio -vessel and breathe systems. And in the supply of bemethyl good absorbing and enduring thus are cases having for individual bad enduring, as nausea, sickness, ache in right hypochondrium, headaches, skin face redness, stuffy nose are rare having and removing after in lowering dose or remedy change. Also having contraindications to bemethyl and individual non endurness, just using by doctor s prescription and by right scheme, and created by specialist, and in pharmacy buy by prescription!
By Ivanov, candidate for biological science.
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