Episode from private life.
In your children in a few years having strong vertebra curvature-heard me in a hall for healing exercises at Spa Progress, as close to the Sochi staying, at awesome on the mountain. And in hall we are visited to play, but saw very clear simulators, balls, hoops, jump ropes. And here is true surprised. Look, these are 2 vertebrae walks, not on a place-keeping sharing for me strange interlocutor, methodologist for physical exercises Vetiness, specialist with a more , than 24 year experience, am bred in my hands And how is that? And children's for at kindergarten checked every half years are doctors by, we are received medical cart for the school, where every specialist added violet stamp ...
Without pathology. And unfortunately this is not a rare in my practise, as understand a small curvature not worries, that we are relaxed shoulders down, when vertebra curvature is staying visible, thus in children are worried us. Cure is serious and long, on 12–13 years, bone system is not pliable,as till school, but in a cure for teenagers are leading results, if keeping patience and good doing all advises.
Am true worried, what and how its happened? She is mobility, run, jump, every exercise she's done, swam , on winter used skies. And she's sitting on the warm islands on summer, but you must see her posture? And am sure, you can say to her as let s straight! Not lead by nose to a paper , we are fast, never looked small things, but in a future he will more sit, learn, as school is future. And in hard study in children ,that we are not learn theirs to sit right, but you must explain this on first class, or better on childhood, that here they are learning, drawing, sculpting, calculates.
What we must to do?We must hope on our teachers, educators, or send for children in life with constant restraint as on weekends, school, or kindergarten . An effective method is healing-preventing gymnastic, all children's needing doing this for morning or evening, every day is importance. Special exercises complex helping not just manufacturing a good posture, create a base for good coordination, for a future developing physical possibles for children's. Maybe your daughter will use sport, but how for her is to hear as she is not sporty.
Which ages are beginning these exercises, and how long to keep?
Since 2 y.old and till 17-18 y.old till a forming bone-muscle system in a base not ending. And on begin children will hard to train, and right to do all exercises, not demand much to-do, that importance he needs to habit to gymnastic, other goes with time, that on a first time these exercises seems a simple, but you are trying to do theirs. Such complex matches for adults, just every exercise to do on 5–8 times, and for children will be interesting, if close to him to train and mum.
Complex for exercises:
For exercises are using rubber or cotton mattress , wood stick/her length -width by children s width plus 40 cm, children doing exercise in comfortable clothes, as in shorts, socks, t-shirt.
First are 5 exercises.
1. Lie on the belly, hands put under chin, straight legs and close, on the calculate 1 rise straight right leg, on calculate 2 down, on calculate 3 rise straight left leg, on 4 -down, repeat exercises for 2-3 times.
2. Lie on the belly, hands pull out to the front, straight legs and close, on calculate 1 rise straight right leg and left hand, on 2 down, on 3 rise straight left leg and right hand, on 4 down, repeat exercise for 2-3 times.
3. Lie on the belly, pull out hands to the front and close, to calculate 1 separate hands in sides, after bend in elbows and move under breast, imitating moves for swimmer.Leg from mattress not tearing off, on calculate 2 return back, repeat exercise for 3-5 times.
4. Lie on the spine, in hands a stick, on calculate 1 rise hands over head, on calculate 2-5 with legs doing moves, imitating bicycle , on 6 return back, repeat exercise for 2–3 times.
5. Sit on heels, hands pull out to the front, on calculate 1 incline and rest with palms in mattress, on 2 fast moving with all body to the front, straightening legs/breast and belly from mattress is not tearing off, hands not pushes! On 3 return back, repeat exercise for 2-3 times. And now rise hands over head , on tiptoe for 2-3 times run an all room, slowly transferring on the step and align breathe.
By Vetitnev , methologist, for healing physical exercises.
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