To mix are three parts of hibiscus fruits, part of black currant berries, three parts of leafs nettle, three parts of carrot.
And one tbl.sp. mixed mass add in 2 glasses for the hot water, boil ten minutes, infuse is in closed dish for 4 hours,filter and use 0.5 glass for 3 times a day,and tea keep in thermos as within all working day you can to use.
Tea vitamin nr 11.
Fruits hibiscus, leafs of raspberry, cow berry to mix,and one tbl.sp. mixed mass add in glass of boiled water, boil ten min, infuse in a closed dish or in thermos till a cooling, filter,add sugar or honey, use 1/3 glass for 3 times a day.
Vitamin tea nr 12.
Three parts of hibiscus berries, part for fruits black currant, 2 parts leafs nettle. And mixed mass adding in 2 glasses of hot water, infuse for hour in closed dish or thermos, filter, use 0.5 glass for 4 times a day.
And these vitamin teas are benefit use after a long diseases , over tiredness, hard physical work, liver diseases, stomach, and other conditions with a low containing vitamin C in organism.
Cocktail Marsianka.
And in blender add 0.5 glass of black currant juice, glass of kefir, 2 tea.sp. of sugar powder, mix,add in glass, add 4 cubes of ice.
A drink Aroma.
5 tbl.sp. black currant juice, 2 tea.sp. of vanilla syrup, 2 tbl.sp. of strong tea mix in one dish, add 0.5 glass of boiled water and one tea.sp. sugar, keep till diluting, and serve as cold, and water is one glass.
A drink as noon.
4 portions for use 0.5 glass of juice black currant, 3 glasses cooled milk, one tbl.sp. sugar powder, 5 cubes ice.
And in shaker add juice, milk cooled,sugar powder, and shake, serve with ice.
Juice of black currant.
Ripe,whole berries 50 gr wash,scald, add in two layer formed gauze, and press with a spoon as silver to press juice, and wetted in water sugar 2 tea.sp. is 20 gr cook till a boiling. Receiving syrup cold, and mix with berry juice as 2/3 of berry juice and on 1/3 sugar syrup.
Black currant gulep.
As in water dilute sugar, put two twigs for mint, chop her a spoon, and remove. And glass fill in for 4/5 a chopped ice, add lemon juice, black currant,add shacked creams, and berries of black currant as on top.
40 gr of black currant juice is 20 gr of lemon juice, ten gr of sugar syrup, ice, berries one tea.sp.
Black currant cocktail frappe with nuts.
In mixer mix juice, milk, ice cream, add in glass, decorate a chopped nuts and shaken creams.
one portion are 2 tbl.sp. ready syrup, 75 gr of ice cream, 1/4 glass of cold milk, one tbl.sp. chopped nuts, 2 tbl.sp. creams.
Blackcurrant cocktail with float.
In mixer shake a half of ice cream, syrup, milk for 2 min, and before serve in glass with cocktail put piece of ice cream as float.
one portion are 2 tbl.sp. black currant syrup ready, 50 gr of ice cream, 1/2 glass of pasteurized milk.
Cocktail opera.
Fruits add in glass, add pineaaple juice, lemon syrup, and blackcurrant water.
for 4 portions is glass og black currant juice, 1/4 glass of pinapple juice, 1/4 glass of lemon syrup, 50 gr of canned fruits assorti.
Blackcurrant gas cocktail.
In mixer shake ice cream ,syrup, water are 2 min, serve with ice.
one portion are 2 tbl.sp. black currant syrup, 50 gr of ice cream, 0.5 glass of gad water.
Black currant drink with yolk.
Shake yolk, add syrup and fruit water , ice, shake till foaming,serve right away.
for 4 portions are 0.5 glass of syrup black currant, glass of blueberry water, 4 yolks, 8 ice cubes.
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