Three glasses of berries, 50 gr of manna, 20 gr of butter oil, cinnamon pinch, salt.Dilute in water sugar, lead till boiling, and add pink. After add ready berries,cook till ready, rub through sieve.Again infusion lead till boiling,add manna, add butter oil, serve such soup as hot or cold.
Black currant kvas.
As for 3l. of water take one kg of berries, glass of sugar, 2 tbl.sp. raisin, ten gr yeasts.And berries of get juice, in cold water dilute sugar, add juice, add diluted yeast in water and infuse for 12 hours . And for a next day kvas filter, add in one l. bottles or boiled jars, add 4 raisins,close lids, and in cold infuse for day.
Black currant Ural tea.
As in big tea pot add 2 handfuls of fresh currant leafs, add hot water, infuse 3 min, an add in glasses.Add from a small tea pot a tea usual, milk, sugar, and such tea having a good aroma, and taste, good fight a thirst, fight tiredness and slags remove.
Vitamin tea NR one.
Dried berries of black currant and hibiscus.And one tbl.sp. mixed mass adding in 2 glasses of the hot water and infuse in a closed dish in dark for hour. Filter through gauze, and use 0.5 glass for 3 times a day and sugar add for a better taste.
And this recipe,as and tea nr 4, 11, 12 was approved by ministry of health and prescribing in hypoavitaminosis, and tea using at home and cooking and drink by a Dr. advise till a work and after.
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