Washed and selected berries put in jars, add 60 perc. syrup on thr black currant juice, pasteurize in boiling water for 15 min, close jars, and keep for to put.
300 gr of berries read currant is glass of juice black currant, glass of sugar syrup.
Compote of black currant.
Ready berries add in sugar syrup, lead till boiling, add lemon acid, and lead till boiling, and in a need for a future use for dishes decorations ,thus canning with twigs.
one kg of berries is one kg 50 perc. of sugar syrup, one gr of lemon acid.
Compote of red crrant with apples.
Chop apples, wash, select, add in pot, add syrup. Infuse 12 hours, lead till boiling and cooling. And for a long keeping add in jars and pasteurize ,like all compotes.
one kg of berries is one kg of apples, 2 kg 50 perc. of sugar syrup, onegr a lemon acid.
Mousse of red currant.
Chop berries, add cold boiled water as 1/3 glss, mix, press juice. and put his in cool place. A hard mass add in 3 glasses of water, boil 5 min, filter and on received infusion a cook manna porridge as adding his in boiling infusion slowly, mixing. After a 20 min a slowly boilinh add sugar, boil, and turn off fire. And in cooked mass add squeezed juice, and shake till foam. And in rising mass in size for 2 times add in vases and put in cold place.Serve with cold milk.
glass of berries is glass of sugar, 3 tbl.sp. manna.
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