Wash berries, press juice, hard mass add in hot water, and boil ten min, filter, add sugar, and mix with juice received.
Glass of black currant is 0.5 glass of sugar, one l. of water.
Black currant water.
Same cook, as of 2 glasses a currant red is glass of sugar, 2 l. of water.
Juice of red currant with sugar.
Berries chop, press juice, add sugar, infuse till a sugar diluting and use for drinks cooking and other dishes.
Cocktail of red currant.
Rub egg with sugar, add cold milk, currant juice, mix,cold. Serve with ice.
one l. of red currant juice is one l. of pasteurized milk, 2 eggs, 2 tbl.sp. sugar, ten cubes for ice.
Pounch of red currant.
In wine glass add fruits of berries, add currant juice and lemon juice, add sugar, and add mineral gas water. Cook punch before serve.
40 gr of canned fruits or strawberry or raspberry are 2 tbl.sp. of red currant juice, one tbl.sp. lemon juice, one tbl.sp. sugar, 0.5 glass of mineral water.
Currant snow.
White eggs shake adding slowly sugar powder, and in shaken white eggs add berries. And received cream with beries add in vases and cold.
5 glasses for are berries of red currant are three white eggs, 150 gr of sugar powder.
Red currant rubbing in sugar.
Chop berries or to mince meat, add in dry dish cleamn or glass of jars, and keep in cool place.
one kg of berries red currant are 2 kg of sugar.
Puree of red currant.
Berries to chop, add in sugar, warm till 80C, and right away put in jars,close with lids, pasteurize for 20 min as 0.5 l, or 30 min is one l in boiling water,close and keep for to put. And puree such use for spices to an other dishes.
one kg of berries is one kg of sugar.
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