In mixer add cooled milk, blackberry juice, add honey, yolks, shake for 2 min, serve with ice.
Blackberry paste.
Selected,cleaned and washed blackberry put in oven for 12 min, rub through sieve, add sugar, cook in oven till a right thickness, roll for layer in one cm, and put for dry in oven in weak fire.
one kg of blackberry is 500 gr of sugar.
Blackberry candy.
Selected,washed berries add in sugar, and infuse four hours, formed juice add in pot. And berries add, an cook it on weak fire ,mixing and cooking mass till her easy take from a walls and bottom a pot. After mass put on the flat plate,weted in water, flat with knife and sprinkle with grinded walnuts, give for dry for 15 hours and cut on quadrates and sugar powder sprinkle, as for a keep put in jars of glass.
one kg of blackberry are 600 gr of sugar.
Blackberry jam.
Selected,washed berries rub in sugar with a wood pestle and cook till a needing thickness.
one kg of berries are 800 gr of sugar.
Or Berries add in sugar and in cool place put for 12 hours, and on the next day cook in a strong boiling for 20 min, add in jars and keep theirs in hot water for 2 hours.
one kg of berries are 800 gr of sugar, glass of water.
Belorussian blackberry jam.
Selected,washed berries sprinkle in water and remove peduncles and sepals, add 65 per. of sugar syrup, infuse four hours. After filter berries, boil down syrup, cool, add berries and cook on weak fire till ready.
2 kg of berries are 2.5 kg of sugar.
Blackberry jelly.
Cook berries in sugar in water, rub through sieve, add lemon juice, gelatin, and whole liquid mass lead till one l, and cold. And not waiting a full cooling add white egg, and end a cooling.
one kg of berries are 2.5 kg of sugar, juice of half lemon, 60 gr of gelatin, white eggs of 5 eggs, 2 glasses of water.
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