As for pies fillings use jam of blackberry, pastry is yeast,sour, whole mass of pies are 75 gr.
Cakes with blackberry.
Of flour, margarine, potato, egg, 50 gr of sugar and vanilla sugar cook pastry and put his for 30 min in cool place.
After roll cook cakes on 7 cm in diameter, edges spread with egg and put on theirs ring of pastry.A received bases for cakes bake.After cook cream as in milk dilute starch,and in othern milk add sugar, salt, lead till boiling, add diluted starch, boil again and turn off fire. After this add butter oil and ready blackberry berries.And received cream fill baked cakes, cool, and in every cake put a few berries .
75 gr of potato are 250 gr of blackberry, 250 gr of flour, 75 gr of margarine, 1.5 egg, 80 gr of sugar, packet of vanilla sugar, 2 glasses of milk, 40 gr of butter oil, salt, lemon peel.
Cocktail Zaonezje.
Add in mixer butter ice cream, addblackberry juice or syrup, milk shake till foaming, before serve in glass with cocktail add shaken creams.
for one portion are two tbl.sp. blackberry syrup, 20 gr of ice cream, 1/4 glass of cold pasteurized milk, ten gr of shaken creams.
Blackberry juice.
Selected beries add in hot water for 3 min, add on sieve, rub through sieve,add sugar, water, lead till boiling, cold. Use for dishes cooking and drinks and for sauces to the cereal and flour dishes.
one kg of blackberies is 100 gr of sugar, 100 glasses of water.
Blackberry syrup.
Of ready berries squeeze juice,add sugar and water, boil ten minutes, add in bottles, close and cold.
One kg of blackberry are 500 gr of sugar, 2 glasses of water.
Drink of blackberry with honey.
Warm water till boiling, dilute honey, add blackberry juice, lead till boiling, cold.
Glass of blackberry is one tbl.sp. honey, 2 glasses of water.
Compote of blackberry.
In hot water dilute sugar, lemon acid, lead till boiling,add syrup in beries and infuse 40 minutes.
For 5 portions are 3 glasses of blackberry, 120 gr of sugar, one gr lemon acid.
Blackberry with creams.
In creams dilute sugar, cool, add berries.
2 portions is glass of selected blackberry, 2 glasses of creams, 2 gr of sugar.
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