Ripe berries adding in sugar as 800 gr of sugar for one kg of berries, and close dish, infuse in cool place for next day, after cook for 20 min, and add in sterilized jars for the long keeping.
Blackberry jam with a lemon acid.
And here berries are not adding in sugar, just add hot sugar syrup as 300 gr of sugar in one kg of berries. Pour over a blackberry juice, pasteurize jars in hot water,close good and put for keeping.
Blackberry drink.
Warm beries for ten min, press juice, add one kg of sugar in one l. of juice and cook. Add in bottles and close.
Blackberry cocktail.
Cook berries with sugar in water with a piece of lemon peel.After rub through sieve,gelatin dilute in water,cook fruit mousse,add juice of lemon, and water same quantity, that a whole liquid quantity is 0.6 l. Cold dish, and before his freeze add shaken white eggs.
500 gr of blackberry is sugar 120 gr, juice and peel of half lemon 30 gr, gelatin 30 gr, white eggs are 3.
Moravian drink of blackberry.
In warmed glass add lemon and blackberry syrups, add honey, hot water, mix and serve with lemon piece.
one portion is 1.5 tbl.sp. blackberry syrup, one tbl.sp. lemon syrup, one tea.sp. natural honey, one lemon piece, 1/3 glass hot boiled water.
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