If canal hole opening on a usual place, thus on the head of penis, surgery is not needing, if she is on middle, and in region of pubis , or crotch, thus here need a surgery.And, it's fact, that sex awareness in children beginning, that they are found in difference a how urination girl and boy. And in a boy in which urination canal opening closer to crotch, thus he to urinate ,like girl, but for him is very hard stress ,thus begin a surgery earlier, that to school entering this anomaly will remove. And, I say, about after surgery on cryptorchidisms , hydrocele as eggs ascites, varicocele as widening veins of spermatic cord are need for 2-3 months keep sparing regime as not rise heavy items, hard athletic avoiding, run, not swim in cold water and not steam.
Am advises to teenagers, endured these surgeries to remember , that alcohol, smoking addiction lowering potency, and reproductive function, and its about healthy males, where is sex system development with less deviations. And in a case, when in male is having sterility, doctor prescribes test of sperm, and for right results ,thus till 3–4 weeks to this test are avoiding any alcohol, and for 4-5 days have ejaculation.
And patients endured for surgeries or requiring in cure for urinary system, am advice to marry a young, and discuss with wife for family planning. As care wife from abortion, use contraceptives, and not prevent a pregnancy by interrupting sex contact. Care a health for each other, thus your children's will be a healthy!
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