Who sicked on childhood of urinary diseases, endured surgery, thus you must marry on young age!After a post in Health for 1989 , as A boy is future father, am received many letters by grandmothers and parents, grandfathers as worried about wrong in sexual development grandsons .Am understand theirs worry, that am ,as sex-pathologist knew, that disease not cured on the childhood will for always dark life for male, and deprives to be a father. Half letters are about cryptorchidism , and does it possible, as egg display in scrotum , and disappear.
Yes, its possible, and by different reasons, that testing doing by cold hands, muscle for supporting egg, refectory shortening and for a not long time stretching in groin canal. Its calls false cryptorchidism . Function of egg here kept, and reason for worry not waving. Harder, to answer on a question, why surgery for bringing down an egg is not effective?And in every case own reasons, something egg bring down, but removes, that is clear found, as not ability to do own functions of a small size. And not think, its vain surgery, but if egg keep in groin canal,thus later you are in risk for tumor. But if egg removed, will ability boy be a father?And for a calming mum, am using my card stats, that yes, these patients are having , and am checked theirs, they are not sicked , from 57 are dads stayed 35, and 5 are after cure, other 22 are having chances fir restore reproduction, but they are not wished cured. And a mean, that for egg remaining, if he development, and functioning OK, thus not problem. And , if a not full value,thus methods adding,for leading improving his function.
And, thus after surgery for chyptochridism as not depending on as egg bring down or not, thus boy need to keep in checking for specialist endocrinologist, parents need to check for his sex development. Eggs increasing on 10-18 years and by age matching, and increasing is indicator , but a not significant for theirs normal function, And sex development not an all teenagers' development same if on 14 y.old are eggs sizes not increased, thus on 15 is not added hairs for pubis and armpits,its true anxious. And what is to do? Advice is one, consult in endocrinologist, till not ending process for development, and organism not endured hormonal changes , cure will be a success. And many parents asked a share dates for surgery cure. And they are very worrying on theirs small discrepancy between dates, are in post added or in medical books,and those, which advised doctor.Am , not ability to dispute an opinion, by patient s checked ,and thus he knew all individual peculiarities of organism, all nuances having in his deviations.And, nuances these variants are staying much ,and they are all decide!
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