In every family has a signature holiday dish, and you are enjoying conjuring over them, but an own idea to the new year table need to add and other family member, thus, am offering a few simple recipes, as available.
Marinade cabbage.
A head of white cabbage cut on eight parts, remove hard side, shred beet, and carrot, cook marinade of one l. of water add 0.5 glass of sunflower oil, glass of sugar, 2 tbl.sp . of salt, glass of vinegar, as better apple, 5 handfuls of garlic, lead all till boiling and pour over cabbage and with carrot, beet ,that vegetables are closed, in a day cabbage is ready, put her in refrigerator and serve as cold.
And am to advice marinate cabbage ,that you are sure, in her not having nitrates, as not bigger ,than norm, or cut cabbage on half, soak his for 4–5 hours, removing a few times water.
Use are 3 roots, select a thick, wash good theirs with brush, add for 3 hours a cold water, that is needing for restoring structure of cellular horseradish tissue. Filter, clean, cut for along fibers on pieces on 1-1.5 cm, add all in packet and for day put in frozen. And on a next day melt horseradish, and to mince meat. After put horseradish care in jar, tamp by spoon and pour over hot water. A water size is must cover a jar contain as on thick for finger layer, as for spicy add vinegar as for one l. of jar add 3 tea.sp. of 9 per.vinegar.
Close jar with lid and put on low shelf at refrigerator, in 12 hours horseradish is ready.
If before serving on table you are added in horseradish fromage, or mayonnaise with fromage, thus taste for him will tender.
Fish in batter.
Of any fish, cook fillet, and cut on pieces on middle sizes. Batter on 1-1.2 kg of fish cook by this portion: Fromage glass, 100-150 shredding cheese, 4 eggs, 3/4 glass of flour, one tea.sp, of salt.
As for avoiding infecting by salmonella, EGGS ARE GOOD WASH IN SOL. OF soda, after wash hands with soap, and cook begin.
Separate white eggs from yolks, white eggs put in frozen camera in refrigerator. Fromage, yolks, shredded cheese, salt mix till ball mass like, add flour, and mix good again. A frozen white eggs shake by folks, add ready mass in and good mix. On a strong fire put high pan, add sunflower oil, on 3-4 cm in layer. When oil warming, low fire till middle, optimal temperature for deep fryer is 180 C, and o n the folk for one to each other apply pieces of fishes, put in batter and give to drain and put in pan. When from one side, pieces are brown, turn over. In a middle every piece fry for 7-10 min, that keep check, that fish in batter will be a golden colour, if she is darker, low fire.
Ready fish put on sieve, that drain oil, and fish in batter is goos as hot, and cold kind.
Is a famous Russian drink. As sold on the streets, tea places, taverns .
For one l. of water use 100 gr of honey, 50 gr of sugar, 1/3 tea.sp. cinnamon, pink, mint, you can to add and one tea.sp. of humulus. In boiled water dilute honey with sugar, add spices. Turn off fire, in 15 min filter. Drink as hot, or cold.
Cake tenderness.
Use one tbl.sp. of honey, 200 gr of fromage, 1/2 tea,sp. iof baked soda as her extinguishes by soda, 2 eggs, glass of sugar, and same a flour ,that a pastry a consistence need to be as ,like curd mass.
Shake eggs with sugar , add fromage, warmed honey, soda, flour, separate pastry on 3 parts, bake one cake at oven on 220 C degrees , when cakes are cold ,every cut for across.
And now cook are two creams.
In cooled fromage as 0.5 kg add glass of sugar, peel of lemon, all shake.
Apple .
Clean are 5 apples as by middle sizes, cut on halves, seeds remove. In pot add water, put apples, close lid and boil on weak fire. When apples are boiled over rub theirs through sieve, add sugar glass and one tbl.sp. of bitter oil, all mix good.
Apply cakes by brown sides down and cut grease by cream, alternating apple and fromage. Cake keep in refrigerator for 12 hours!
By Chumakova, an adult engineer-technologist by meal s institute , Russia.
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