Much cares, problems , but very poor free time. Its true every woman thinks ,and especially before New year or any other holiday, when for relatives you want to please by surprises, souvenirs, and cook nice dinner , but for a table for dinner you want to look, like Vasilisa beautiful too, thus try to use our advices, and you be a beautiful, sure in myself. And also these are very beautifies for women ,as a sure, that you look awesome, that women's are true sure. As care for first for hairs , till 2 weeks visit stylist , after you will habit to your new haircut ,and you will fight these next cares, your hairs will clean, shine and good styled. As before a dinner, you must take for hour-half, thus we are beginning from skin, that skin is wrinkle, bag under tired eyes, bruises, pores on a nose skin , around mouth, and hands are not OK .. Today on evening we will be a most beautiful, and most wonderful. Fix hairs by bandana, rub face with lotion, if she is oily, if dry with liquid nourishing cream, or use lotion of calendula, or cream of calendula or tincture diluted.And, instead of liquid nourishing cream a milk, diluted on half with water or olive oil. Cook potato, middle size, with peel, salt free, clean, knead with folk, add one tea .sp. of fromage, or olive oil, and warm of for 20 min apply on low eyelids and to external eyes corners, where small net of wrinkles, so around mouth. And here wet two pads of cooled tea or infusion cold of chamomile, press, and put on top eyelids as for 20 min. Remove pads, wash water by wash mask of potato and on low eyelids apply thin layer of nourishing cream. And now try to refresh skin of face and neck and remove black acnes and pores widened. Mix one tea.sp. half of small salt cooked and soda with one tbl.sp. soap foam, after wrap finger with gauze and wetted in 3 perc. of peroxide ammonium by circle moves rub mixture on places with acnes forming and a care manufacture an all face , in 3 min wash warm , after cold boiled water. After cleaned skin of face and neck, as apply mask of yeast . One tbl.sp. of yeast dilute till fromage consistence, for oily skin by 3 perc. of peroxide ammonium, for normal with milk, for dry with vegetable oil. By pads apply mask on the skin, in 10-15 min wash a warm water, kin dry skin a water, diluted my milk, or chamomile infusion.
And now care for hands. As of home working traces are staying on skin, that she is rough, with spots, that of cleaning potato, washing pans, pots. Rub hands with lemon piece or cotton wetted in vinegar diluted or sol. of lemon acid, if not helped, rub dirty places slightly with pumice and right away apply on skin thick of nourishing cream or pork fat..Are you taken shower? And here is ok. You are cared for itself A not much time, but skin stayed fresher, disappeared bags under eyes, wrinkle around eyes and mouth , as not visible. And crown for all is evening make-up , is staying cleared ,than daily from. If you are not use make up ,thus let s risk! Apply a little bit shadows as lilac, green or blue, slightly apply blushes on cheeks, brush hairs, they are fallen ,like waved its younger ,wear ready new year outfit, and importance is psychological mood, you are to feel a psychologically comfort , that any detail on the dress, or hairs as beads, flower or wonderful scarf , sewed by lace is will refresh your. Add fantasy, and now look in the mirror, you are looking awesome and mood to the holiday is matching!
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