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Saturday, February 22, 2025

A problem medical and social.

 On 1934 y. here in us in our country gone International congress for Rheumatologists. That  has been  a an  for appreciation for country, that a first time begun fought with social reasons for rheumatism.As created on 1928 February community by a study and fight with rheumatism in Russia, and on 1964 he stayed an union science community, and an own community directed for preventing professional diseases, researching for social-household life s conditions, width sanitary-educational work through livers. About a  contribution by Soviet specialists in fight with rheumatism, perspectives for development researches in rheumatology region our correspondent  Menshikova talked with chairman of the boars community for rheumatologists an academise    Academy medical science, director for institute for rheumatology  by Nasonova.

 At Yaroslavl region hospital for restored cure  Big salts was opened on 20 years ago on a base for local source mineral water  . Success  using she in a curing supporting-mobility apparatus, as in rheumatic  damages for joints and vertebra. As on a picture As in a hall  hydro-kinesiotherapy medical sister Kutelova, doing hydro-massage for patient with a first deforming osteoarthrosis.


1.Valentina Alexandrovna in science community of rheumatologists a best history,what you are still appreciating more and using  today?

Offensive, operatively, support on the community. As for a first 2 years a since community staying has been studied on 115 000 patients a spreading for rheumatic diseases, and manufactured a scheme for disease story allowed found suffered, defined a lost from a temporary disability  , invalidization.  On the enterprises created common groups for effecting  which propagandised  as rheumatic minimum are lists for preventing  methods for protection against disease. Parallelly  gone intensive science researches, as in medical s Moscow universities, as for a ready to a doctor a new type is specialist with new knowledges, not just for clinic rheumatic diseases  , but all complex for social-household affects on a patient, which a right  doing recovering methods at household and on the production.

And today, when in our science community are 5000 specialists, we are still taking attention on the doctor s knowledges, livers for entering to community and recovering organs to a new understanding, and significance in a fight with rheumatic diseases. Why for new?on the last years is faster lowered first  have been sicked of rheumatism, and dead. And life prolonged with a heart rheumatic defects. Today rheumatic diseases is a pathology for joints, vertebra, and damaging patients as workers ability ages, and tendency  to chronic and recediving course of these   diseases and rising level for temporary disability in such   patients. And patient stayed disability, not returned to hard work , every 5th  patient having disability group of rheumatic diseases, as damaging joints. And its  a happening on 30-40 y.old, and rheumatoid arthritis having 2.5 millions peoples, and  if add suffers from Bechter s disease , gout, arthrosis , thus theirs quantities increasing on ten times. And they are burdensome for community, that often, that other diseases obligates on deep disability, thus problem keeping not just medical, but social economical.

 2. Why are nothing movements? And  we are better living arsenal remedies with fighting for rheumatic diseases increasing, and services are strengthened, rheumatologists staying in high profile hospitals and opened as for children's, new arthrologic centres displaying..

Yes, movements are having ,thanks for preventing methods doing,  improving conditions for work, and life, lowered faster an   acute rheumatism patients with ,  but rheumatological pathology is big and having 85 nosological  forms, characterizing for damaging connected tissues , bone-muscle systems, vessels , and heart damages, leading to his defects, joints, vertebra, connective tissue as SLE , but now 95 perc. of patients with heart defects are ability to work, prolonged theirs life, as modern methods for immunologic and biochemical analyses allowing to recognize disease in a own his birth , and right cure, and if its not lead to a full recovering. On  early stage using with success and move therapy,that move is save for patients with damaging rheumatisms and joints. All  together,   helps  transfer diseases in a form, when suffers from arthritis are long staying able-bodies.


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