Preparing and growing by shoots on 15-20 cm as adding in loose earth , thus in 2–3 years you are getting true green colour blooming stems, and if to grow herb under tress and around trees, thus , he will be an alive mulch and will dead all weeds and will not remove humidity from a topsoil layers. Since long time ago this herb used in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland as in nose, lung, uterine bleeding, diarrhoea, fever, malaria, cough. As externally decoction used for compresses in wetted eczema, rashes, skin itch, gargle mouth in ache teeth, mouth cavity. Poland medicine infusion use in raised blood pressure, digestion organs destroys and anemia. And scientists found in vinca are more, than 20 alkaloids, like a close to reserpine by chemical nature. And also found saponins, flavonoids, as with P vitamin activity, carotene, tannins, bitters, organic acids, mineral salts. Mechanisms for hypotensive effect has been based of theirs ability to low vessel tone and resistance for periphery vessels. Alkaloid vincamine is sedative effect having, vasodilations vessels for brain, improving a brain blood circulation, and oxygen utilization by tissues of brain, alkaloid Ervin having anti arrhythmic effect.
Remedies of vinca doctors prescribing in organic damages of vessels a head brain, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischaemia, inside a scull rising pressure, osteochondrosis , schizophrenia, depression, and indications for using this herb or remedies of this herb are neurogenic tachycardias, vegetative neurosis , helps in neuritis of facial nerve polyneuritis, and meningoencephalitis as residual displays in children's. And preparing herb from Spring to July , as cutting on high 1-5 cm from a earth top and leaving horizontally rooting shoots . Dry harvest under canopy or on the attics with a good ventilation, apply by layer on 3-4 cm, periodically turning.In a week a harvest is ready, just remove rough stems , keep in bags as in dried ventilated places, and remember with harvest is care to use, that he is having poisonous substances. And not taste him , wash good hands after a touched herb or taken. And infusion to cook of 1 tbl.sp. chopped herb as 5 gr, add in 200 ml. of water boiled, as one glass, warm on water boiled bath for 15 min, cool for 45 min and filter, use 2 tbl.sp. for 3-4 times/day.
And from Bulgaria entering in Russian remedy Vincapan, as of sums alkaloids vinca minor, and analogically by effect remedies Vincaton, and caviton from Vengria, as of pills 0.02 ml. And all, alkaloids remedies with just use with your doctor s advice! And, close to Vinca minor are Vinca rosea L, and selected here more vi,that 100 alkaloids for anti tumor effects, as for preparing alkaloids Vinblastin, and Vincristine. And, by mechanism of biologic effect, they are poison, are stopping propagation cells, affecting on structure, giving for divergence for chromosomes. Vinblastine , Vincristine remedies are allowed for lymphogranulematosis, lymphosarcoma, chronic myelosis, acute leucosis in children's and other disease by this type. Rozevine remedy manufacturing from Russia which using for a cure lymphogranulematosis, hematosarcoma, myeloma diseases and a few tumors . But they are give side effects unwanted, thus use by doctor s checking!
By Kiseleva, candidate, for pharmacy sciences.
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