Am heard a not first time, that honey use not just in cold,would you share where is still use honey, which diseases, why he is benefit?And about a honey quality to distinguish.
On questions of readers we are asked to answer a doctor- apitherapist , candidate for medical science ,Frenkel.
And in old Egypt honey used a not just appreciated food, but a healing , cosmetic, and canned remedy. And secrets for honey products are managed long time ago by all regions a medicine. And rising interest in natural substances, by result of synthesis for chemical connect, as apitherapy here rises also, api therapy as by Latin apis is bee, is a not panacea from all diseases, but in a cure few diseases a honey products are very benefit , consistence, containing in nectar, colour of honey is different , as from transparent till almost black. And sometimes on a few apiary, bees taking honeydew is sweet liquid, secreting by aphids, mealy bugs and other insects, which eating different herbs. Fresh secreted honeydew is not distinguished from nectar and close by chemical structure, honeydew honey is dark colour, slightly bitter by taste, and using in confectionery manufacturing as for aromatization kinds for food, as tobacco. And on a last time on the market are meeting falsified honey, as his getting on three cases, when bees are feeding just by sugar syrup, he is not healing honey, and his use ,like for sugar changer, as for sweets cooking. Mature and ability to the long keeping is honey with 18-20 perc. of water , and check his mature by his take in spoon, turn her, as mature honey is wind on spoon, like wrinkles layers, and flows down a not stopping tapes, but not mature honey, just flow down from spoon.With this simple test you can check about honeydew or falsified honey, they are stretching from spoon by a not stopping thin tapes, but in honey of flower stretched tapes in a one moment breaking. Natural honey same ,like thick syrup, but taken from cells of combs , he is faster crystallizing, and more in honey fructose ,thus, he is longer keeping liquid consistence, but crystallizing honey is not bad,as a few think , and about a crystallization process are high quality for a low containing water . Candied honey is easy to lead in liquid condition on a steam bath. But keep,that honey temperature keep on 40C, so in more temperatures, he's loosing all hid healing effects. From what is depends on honey smell? In nectars structure enters essential oils, characterizing by specific different smells,they are giving for every honey kins an own aroma, but aromatic substances easy dissolving, thus honey keep in a glass of hermetically closed dish , and optimal temperature keeping from 5 to 10 C by warm.
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