With both hands stroking , rubbing, kneading with pine oil and damage, healthy side on ten min, /15-18 every day procedures, after ten day is resting , all am advising doing are 25–30 seances.The best anti-inflammatory effect having and rubbing to ear close is sol.10 perc. Mummio , but at old popular grandma s recipe too using for fighting spasms facial muscles as 15 drops before sleep use of tinct. Calendula, crataegus, leonurus, peony. And am share about reflex-therapy, that is need with other cure methods. As this method effectivity for lowering headaches and cheeks, relaxing of over stretching mimic muscles. Sometimes in month-half month displaying contracture for mimic muscles, when muscles of damaging muscles of face, creating impression, that paralysed a not big , but healthy side , course are 14-15 everyday on 15 min séances, and needles entering in symmetrical acupuncture points a health and sicked face half.
IF within two months on begin a disease using a cure for position. Am advising for patient lie on the side as on the side of damage and often sit with inclined in a same side a head supporting her with palm, supporting on the palm of bent hand. Restoring facial symmetry helping tighting with tighter-up a scarf from up to down muscles from a healthy side on the damage. Analogically effecting and leucoplasts apply.Sit before mirror, with hand propped up a cheek, rising lowered mouth corner, fix his with plaster. Half hour training for chewing muscles for 2-3 times/day ,slowly lead till 2-3 hours.If eyebrow sagging, raise her with fingers and fix in this position plaster as on the same date,that in last case.
Special exercises with dosing tension and relaxing muscles are importance component for a normal mimic providing .And thus remedies combining with special exercises, which repeating on ten times. Raise, wondering eyebrows up, or frowning wrinkle theirs.squint. Try to smile with opening mouth, as fill in air or water in mouth, gargle his, riding contain from a side to side, trying not loosing drops. Lips pull out in roll, and keep this position, calculate till 5, open mouth, move with tongue to the right-left, to the front-back and slowly breathe out, and close mouth slowly press to gums a tongue.Pull out cheeks in closed mouth and blow theirs.Sit before mirror, pull out jaw to the front, and in a side for damage. For improving articulation say words O, I, U, I, P, F, V, after combination theirs -OI, FU, FI, and by syllables are words with them as for example lu-kosh-ko . Neuropathy for facial nerve having three weeks and in a complex approach is succumbing for cure. Not wait ,that is all self passing away. Activity counteraction for diseases in union with neurologist you are will sure , that distorted in grimaces facial features -is fixable matter.
By Sorokin, neurologist, reflex-therapeutist, Moscow.
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