A most changing in us is face, and conductor for mimic mobility is affecting facial nerve, which are often inflammations are affecting on your life.
Weak muscles, like mask looking, half face is not closing, tearing eyes, hard speak, these are all displaying for destroyed blood supply a facial nerve.
Facial nerve staying in narrow bone canal ,damage to which provokes a full control lost over facial muscles as paralysis or partially paresis. If nerve damaged, right away after brain leaving , thus paralyses for facial muscles having with dryness in mouth and bad increasing sounds perception. Edema and inflammation additional piercing ,like of current attack, is an attack of hurt in ear behind region. Later aches aches attacks are often, and staying stronger. Facial nerve inflammation staying on the cold time, or in damaging CNS and not depends on from the weather. And faults for neuropathy are bacterias, viruses as of herpes, over cooling , endocrine system broken, and in numbers for accomplices for paralyses mimic muscles having a hypertension, sugar diabetes, infections as flu. And early finding about a how deeply and where nerve touched, thus a cure will faster begin. If neuropathy having a reason for other disease as secondary ,thus you need to a first base disease engaging.
A most modern rating for function of a facial nerve is elector- neuromiography, which doing on a first 4 days since paralysation and repeatedly in 10–15 days. And cure basing of remedies using improving micro-circulation for blood in nerve fiber and stopping edema. On early stage on acute time and in cold form effectively hormonal ant inflammatory cure with corticosteroids, with a hitting dose a prednisolone on 60-80 mg for a week, with a slowly cancelling for 3-5 days or hydrocortisone on 25 mg 0.5 ml. with sol. Novocaine.
Against nerve edema and infringement his in bone canal use diuretics Furosemide , diacarb, triampur, for blood circulation improving adding nicotinic acid, pentoxyphellin, complamin, galidor, and on the damage place applications apply with dimexidum, which entering in deeply tissues,as affecting anti edema, vasodilating , anti inflammation effects, warming ointments too helping as Doclofenac, ortofen, movalis, cetonal applied behind ear and on occiput. Also benefit are herbs ,like of hot water bottles with salt or buckwheat.
Against conjunctive dryness for 2-3 times/day drip in eyes albucid, vitamin drops, or artificial tear. In 5-10 days since disease begun adding restoring for nerve muscle transferring with ipidacrin, alpha- lipoic acid, and also using prozerin, galantamine, vitamins groups B, orotate calium, dibazol, retabolil, glutamine acid.
In strong ache syndrome as facilitating for vessel spasm are doing blockage for ear behind region/place for exit a facial nerve with 25 perc.sol. Lidocaine.
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