To my 50 years are diseases attacked, am very wondered and shocked, though, that my healthy life broken, am used remedies, yes, cure given results, symptoms are fought, but a feeling for health, and confidence in own forces not returned, and happy feeling for heart. And I though, that is not returned, and a lost happened, that psychologic resistance for diseases.
And in one from this depressed day am stayed in my yard, am true though about my lungs, about cholesterol plaques are lost air, cracked joints, weak muscles, arteries broken, narrowed for extremities. We are a part of this miracle world as with sky, earth, with animal, bugs, flowers, trees and birds. A how am not saw it, am not used, what is nature given, thus am need to return it, change my life mode.
A first am improved quality for meal, am more moved, that who is training, walking are in 12 times less having atherosclerosis for vessels ,than our peers, are not using activity life mode. And am decided, since yesterday, am beginning using healthy life mode.
Am hypertension having of 2nd level, ishemic heart disease, stenocardia, arrhythmia , and gastrointestinal, for beginning curing all diseases right away am checked attention on benefit viburnum effects ,that is a good fighter with chronic diseases. Grandfather often used her as mixed with other herbs, and taken not just berries, but roots, stems, seeds, roots, bark, flowers, leafs.
And importance for cure you must check a time for theirs preparing, as bark, shoots preparing on the spring middle as on April, when juice secretion beginning , since May till June begining flowers preparing, September till October are berries preparing, byt a most benefit,which prepared from first frosts.
Viburnum berries infusion.
2 tbl.sp. of chopped berries added in glass of the hot water, infuse hour, filtered, and drunk on three methods within a day before meal.
Juice of viburnum. One kg of berries , 0.5 kg of sugar , 0.5 l. of water, 2 tbl.sp. of honey.
Pressed juice, added to pulp 0.5 l. of water, boiled ten min, filter. Mixed infusion with juice, added sugar, mixed as when cooled, added honey, used for 3 times/day on 2 tbl.sp. before meal, and good helps in hypertension, course a cure is month.
With hypertension, fight and improve condition for head brain used infusion of shoots viburnum with herbs. Used 20 gr of roots viburnum, herb leonurus, root of valeriana, 2 tbl.sp. moxture add in glasses 2 of water, boil ten min, infused hour, drunk by gulps within a day, for a few methods till condition improved.
Ulcer of stomach, and small bowel.
Am tamed with herbs of 20 gr bark viburnum, 30 gr of leonurus, leafs of blackberry, 10 gr of valeriana roots, dried of hibiscus berries 40 gr, 2 tbl.sp. of chopped mixture added in 2 glasses of the hot water, infused hour, cooled, filtered, used 0.5 glass for 3 times/day before meal for 3 weeks, after 7 days done rest and repeat cure.
Or other variant.
50 gr of fresh viburnum berries chop ,add 0.3 l. of the hot water, infuse hour, use 0.5 glass for 3 times/day.
Or 3 tbl.sp. berries viburnum, rubbed good , added 2 glasses of the cold water boiled, infused 8 hours, used on 1/3 glass for 5-6 times/day before meal , course till condition improved.
As against liver hurt, for preventing am used mixture of one tea.sp. juice shoots of young viburnum, nettle, 2 tea.sp. of couch grass herb, fruits of hibiscus, one tea.sp, of mixture added in 2 glasses of water, lead till boiling, cooled, used warm of 2 tbl.sp. on an every three hours and before 15 min to the meal for month, after am added week for a rest and repeat cure.
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