Washed berries add in water as two glasses of water on one kg of berries,warm till 80C, and for hour, press. And keeping in bottles or jars and to pasteurize. And getting more concentrate juice a water not add.
A hippophae drink with honey.
Hippophae jice and cooling water of cooking, serve with two pieces of ice.
A drink Murom.
By Muchkin s prescribe.
And cook in mixer as of one l. a milk use glass of hippophae juice, 2 tbl.sp. powder cacao, 2 packets of vanilla sugar and 2 tbl.sp. sugar powder, mix,cold.
Hippophae feeze.
A cook by different methods , but a base is part here is white egg. And for 4 portuons use 0.5 glass hippophae juice of two lemons, 4 cubes of ice, mix till a same foaming, filter in glasses ,add gas water and right away serve.
Hippophae compote.
Selected and washed berries add in hot 45 perc. sugar syrup and cook till ready,and for the long keeping berries apply in half . l jars of glass,add syrup and psteurize for the ten min.
Compote of hippophae with apples.
As having an own tastes and shadows and good for a baby s meal.
As cleaned and washed apples chop, add in pot with berries and on a same parts adding in sugar syrup as sugar by taste, and cook till ready.
Hippophae jam.
A smell is good and taste,like pinappke and good for a holiday events.
Washed berries add in sugar syrup, and cook for three methods and cook begin on the ten min is on the weak fire, filter syrup, boil ten min, after cold syrup and berries in to add, and keep cook till a ready.
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