As on two glasses berry juice take are 2 glasses of sugar, and glass of 4 perc. pectin. A mix ingredients,slowly cook on weak fire till 3 glasses and vases in to add,cold,serve as dietic meal.
Hippophae pastila.
As hard mass after pressed berry juice add in water, lead till boiling, to mince meat, add in pot, add sugar 500 gr for one kg of hippophae mass and cook till a needing consistence.Cold, roll a layer on one cm a thickness, dry on air, cut on pieces,sprinkle a sugar powder and put in glass jars for keeping.
Hippophae with sugar.
A good berries keeping are berries as sprinkle with sugar as one to one ,on which are going cooking for compotes, drinks and other dishes.
Hippophae puree.
Washed, selected berries chop in pot, add in sterilized jars, warm in boiling water for 15 min, close a sterilized lids.
Tea of hippophae leafs.
Dry leafs in good ventilated place,add in leafs currant, cherry, hypericum and cook for tea. And sometimes in ingredients entering fragaria leafs, cherry, ash-berry, willow. And depends from your taste a tea and prescription.
Toniziring and refreshing drink.
As handful take leafs hippophae, mint piperine, and add 5 l. of the hot water and infuse are 6 hours,filter, add 0.5 glass of honey, cold.
Drink a Sun valley as cook in Stavropol .A mix glass of hippophae juice, 2 tbl.sp. of honey, and three glasses of boiled water,cool,serve with two cubes of ice.
Hippophae whole berries.
Washed berries add in sugar, and keep in cool place, and date for keeping are 6 months. And one kg of berries are one kg of sugar.
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