We are with pleasure waiting new year, or any other importance event. With home make a whish dreams, look in data days, a how I want that my dreams are come true, and these are depending from our feels, life method, and ability to restore forces.
A not just holidays, events, use, and weekends for a full psychical, and physical discharging. A change situation, try to move stay in forest, park, if an excursion going, use it. At home, not lock yourself at four walls, go in other town. Visit with family are concerts, exhibition, , museum, or shopping using, but not without goals , but take attention on architecture, design, and simple interest for streets histories.
And you will not regret.As, impressions, positive emotions improve mood, as distract from a life s problems and worries, which are not ability to sleep gives. About a sleep. As on the events days try to do all work since early morning, as on begin , good to sleep, rest, after begin to work, and you will see ,that you are have been done all work and affairs, and faster with less expense of forces, and importance a mood will be An OK!
Before sleep ventilate room, if weather OK, open window till morning.And, after add walk, if your time is less, use light gymnastic.
Lie on the spine, relax.
1.put palms on ribs, slightly pressing by hands breast cell, breathe in and calm breathe out ,take away fingers.
2.By hands embrace belly, squeezing his by fingers, breathe in and calm breathe out, take away fingers.
Stand up, legs are on the width shoulders, hands down.
3.Rise hands through sides up, breathe in, palms turned outside. Slowly breathing out, low hands. Every exercise repeat on 5-6 times.Take warm shower, if you are hard to sleep, not accustom yourself to sedative, try other remedy, glass of warm milk with one tea.sp. of honey drink. Sleep- is the best cosmetic remedies, if you are slept good, thus circles under eyes remove, swelling and redness for eyelids, smooth wrinkles, skin will fresh and tight.
By Reshetiloa, Manager for region a cosmetology beauty as Institute for beauty.
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