Toilet for disability patient.
If patient staying on bed regime for long time , especially paying attention on his hygiene, that clean and right will improve feeling, and fast recovering.
A first of all is washing, put before his bed a basin, on the morning and evening his will clean teeths over him with paste or powder,wash face , neck with water and soap, and before meal wash hands . If doctor prohibited turning , thus hands rubbing with pads wetted in warm water, if you not using water from crane, thus boil her, or use filter, that in weak patients lowered immunity. Eyelids, eyelashes wash with 2 perc. of warm sol. boric acid, care to move slightly pads squeezed, on closed eyelids from external edge a eye to inside.For to cook 2 perc. sol. dilute one tea.sp. of powder in glass of boiled water, every eye wash with individual pads. Hard patient need to do for 2-3 times/day a toilet for mouth cavity with rubber pear, before boiling her. In pear filling disinfecting sol/weak sol. of marganese calium, rivanol, furacilin, enter slowly and by little bit in mouth, giving for patient possible to spit out in basin or special cup. After inside surface for cheeks , gums, tongue rub with wetted gauze,wetted in soda drinking or boron sol. half of or 1/4 tea.sp. for glass of boiled warmed water, if patient having complaints on dryness mouth, sol. in adding sodaand boron adda not full tbl.sp. of glycerine. Hard care and keep for body clean, everyday or in a day id depending from feeling a patient, his breast, spine, legs and breast rubbing warm water, as manufacturing better skin wrinkles in groin, under armpits, under milk glands, for 1-2 times/day rub skin with water on half with vodka or cologne. Wash intimates too for every time after urination or stool, its comfortable doing over bedpan, or from teapot, pear with weak sol. alightly pink marganese calium and rubbing with cotton pads,wrapped on stick, after skin for rub till dryness and powder with talc. For one time/week for patient wash with warm water and soap. And a put under sheet a film, prepare for wash are twi basins with water warmed, till 38-40C , in one soap sponge, in other her rinse. As on begin to wash,dr and right away warm breast ,after spine in turn are hands, legs. Rub with hard slightly towel, that is effectiving as slightly skin massage, and on winter, if at room not warm,towel need to warm. And if you are keeping care,but sheet and blanket keeping weeting, thus change theirs, good straighten fold on bed, change and body clothes. If patient long time to lie on the spine, thus its risk for bedsores are on sacrum , rare on shoulder blades, elbow joints, heels, that on begin displaying an ache red skin, thus for preventing bedsores , if doctor allows, you must turn patient, but red spots on skin for 2-3 times/day rub with camphor spirit, vodka or dark sol. with marganese calium.If not allow to turn, put under sacrum rubber ring or rubber bowl, under shoulder blades, elbows, heels are small rings/like steering wheels/ of cotton and gauze. At room,where staying patient is must to be a clean, ventilated good, cleaning just by wetting method.
By Andreeva,doctor.
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