A short from the letter, which sent to reaction, that when am stayed in shop and saw,when women close stayed to breads, used folk about a bread fresh checking, and such test not satisfactory her, she pressed on bread with hands.After a boy with winter gloves taken bread too not enjoyed, but lots of buyers taken breads that deeply lied and feared maybr bread closed lied are tpuched with hands, they are deeply taken bread ,and with sleeves from coat are wiped bread. And after authour for letter said,that need to be clean and stay clean to other, and self serve need to control. He is worry,and angry. Yes self serving in a popular in shops methods, that avoiding from a many times loosing, and you can select what you like, and nobody not worry. But this a meal or food store for breads, we are buying bread, if microbes attacked his, thus we cannot desinfect his. Not bread a burn on an opening fire, that all leaving bad on crust, and burned crust not needing eating. Its a harmful for health. A most preventing this, its care treatment with him. If you are in store for breads try to check his with papper or folk, take care other food with papper clean and not touching other, not put in bag bread with other meal, as vegetables and meat. A close staying in bag are affecting by microbes,that if a food slightly closed from packets, without culinary manufacturing these microbes easy entering in organism, and who will eat dirty curd or bread. Salmonella microbes having in raw meat, they are dead of good fried or boiled meat, if salmonella entering on ready food are curd, fromage, oil or any ready dish is hard disease displaying salmonellosis. And check any boxes, packets ,that they must to closed good! Am keeping all food in one bag, nobody sicked, thus nature given to us immunity, eat dirty its not means to sick, but not a hope for lucky or sucess, not affect all family for risk! Polyethylenic packets are preventing food from dirty , and from non comfortable accidents as meat, herring or fish will not leak, not dirty for chair, other places as tables, or floor, or seat in bus or car. Best material for packing is foil, are comfortable to wrap in foil ready food,which weare buying as fried of, stewed chiken,liver or fish. Which must to be a bag for shopping?
As long time ago we are used opened bags and baskets with holes, its modern and fashion, but not comfortable, better use bags of leather, or materials, immitating leather and covering from inside a synthetic film. If bag smell bad, not use her, products will perceive it good, and if you are put bags with meal on ay places, as on the dirty floor, shoes, on clothes ,thus you are destroying hygienic rules. A good idea if you having two bags, as one for potato and other vegetables, other for other products. And last advise putting ready food,think about who will stay close with you at bus or taxi, or walk , if peoples are much, and will be a crowd, you can touch theirs with piece of sharp macaronies, or fish tail , or sharp edge from boxed, lots of stockings are teared, and by weaved bags injured , scratched. Take attention, and stay care , and protect other!
To put cheese, sausage, bread, vegetables in polyethylenic packets is a business for one sec, and foods which you are eating without culinary manufacturing are will hope protected. Do not forget about this ,when you are using food market!
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