By Tekorjus, manager for psychoneurologic region a child s spa Saulute. To learn here a sliding step, not tearing off legs from the floor, a children need to move her in front on a few cm, also sliding to attach back. Alternately moving by left and right leg, and not trying to care for children, and you can to help to keep bakance, slightly touching with hand to his head/picture 1/.
Everyday increase numbers of such steps, for 1-2 slowly and transfer on simple walk, but by sliding step. First trains are doing in calm, silence condition, nobody nothing disturbing his, to learn for his new moves, but later he will feel confidently, thus he must to train inyard,where playing, running childrens,that is helping overcome fear and uncertainty in self. A first time you have wish to help for him, as keep his armpits, for hands, behind toinsure , but trust for our experience for many times,that is just push away goal, from a first steps children need to count on yourself. Thus we are not recommending:
Stay behind,when children learning sliding step, knowing,that you are ensure him, he is not enduring needing to mobilize all possibles and long time not ability fight fear.
Learn to walk taking him for hands, by practise,that he habit to this help and hard to walk without help, process for learning is long.
Use Canadian sticks, or crutches, and children for learned a walk with these items are hard overcome fear and leave without support, such childrens are hard to walk and not self, just of fear, but physical possible he is having. And individual handy item in walking learning is hard trolley/walkers/, as without back wheels, and creating needing resistance for which children need to overcome in walk. With roller training improving supporting legs function,for manufacturing normal step , and check for children pushing roller, not hanging on hands and not bending theirs in elbow joints, legs are bended out. In walking learning are use gauze and belt, for one end children keeping and in other in your hands, such support creating a visibility for support, but give and confidence. A learning for children a walk not forget about training on shield, with rope and chair. When you can see ,that he doing these exercise right and easy, thus theirs are for him passed stage, and begin learn to stand up from a floor without rope .
1.Stay on the knees close to wall, stand up alternatelly on the right, and on the left leg/heel of supported leg is not tearing from a floor, supporting by hands in wall/picture 2.
After to learn standing up with a support in wall, height of which ten cm.
2. On the knees, hands supporting in surface support, put left leg to the knee of right, same with right leg. You will hard exercie if avoid support, and offer for children to pushing away with both hands, after with one. A very good training balance and moves coordination is walk on ladder. As on begin ask in children self raise on board in thick on 1 cm, put on floor, slowly height for step increasing, when he learn height on 4-6 cm you can built ladder without railings, which are steps by different height/picture 4/.
Help to raise on board, leader is slight touching with hand to children s head.On begin learn a rise on ladder by attached step, after alternate. Not stop on reached, your children need in constant training, exercises are must to stay an importance base part of his life method.
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