Very spreading skin disease is eczema , but success remedies are having, but a full cure eczema remedies for are not having, that she is many years again attacking you, why is happening? And how to cure a chronic eczema? That shared to zoz a dermatoverenelogist, candidate for medical science sector Shulgina.
Why eczema from acute stage lead to chronic is a hard to answer, as and to find reason of this disease.
Eczema is multifactorial diseases, when factors for displaying a lot , as a most spreading are immunity lowering, inside organs diseases, genetical, and to try to define which affected on eczema displaying. And its about a chronic form, that you are curing good, doing all doctor s advices, recovering beginning, but cells, which are a first caused allergy reaction are again reaction on a substance , external inside irritators, so as on letting. And chronic eczema displaying from non-adequate curing a acute form, stopping using remedies after positive results, but you are not using diet, and hygiene rules. As if you are rubbed leg of non-comfortable shoes, and rashes displayed, which after transferred on the hands, neck, face, and here is disease recidive.
1. How eczema displaying? In chronic form are on the skin displaying thick, hardening niduses with a peeling, cracks, dryness, these niduses keeping in places, where having contact with agent, as when hands affecting of washing substances as not wore gloves, or on the body, wearing hard, tight clothes, sometimes eczema supporting by microbe or fungus factors.
2. Let s talk about a disease cure.
A first, prescribing oily, hard ointments with hormones. And cure beginning with a strong effecting remedies as a most effective in a strong itch is ointment Dermoveit , as apply on damaging sides for 1-2 time/day within a few days is depending on from condition a patient. As for leading result are using too strong ointments Celestoderm, Advantan, Hydrocortizone, Sinaflan, Locoid.
Hormonal ointments using with doctor controlling as for 2 weeks, but for face using sparing ointments as on the short courses , but on elbows, heels ointments using under film for night ,that better entering in damaging parts ,If in nidus displayed ache, bad healing cracks use combined ointments with hormones, antibiotics or antimycotics anti fungus ,that Triderm, Pimafucort, AND APPLY on skin for 2 times/day , course are 10-14 days.
Non-hormonal ointments , which feeding ,softening skin as Emolium, Atoderm, Trixerve are longer using. These all are pharmacy remedies , not cosmetic from shops.
3. Which remedies prescribing, not as ointments? And if niduses of eczema displayed after chronic disease, as of bad meal, contacts with substances,thus in depending on from disease using anti histamines of Suprastin, Tavegyl, Clarytine, Arius.
And adding by courses on ten days are into venously injections of calcium chloride, gluconate calcium, Thiosulfate natrium as for detoxication and desensitization organism.
And Thiosulfate natrium is pressure rising,thus in hypertension you must consult with a doctor, maybe use better this remedy of mixture for 3 times/day , course are ten days. Antihistamines in chronic eczema better using of pills, as avoiding injections, that not injuring vessels, which in patients are not an ideal, and chronic eczema not needing in fast and first help as hospitalization , as in acute form, and here is calming curing , but longer.
4. And which you can to advise herbal remedies?
Herbal tinctures and infusions for compress, bath using on recovering stage as additional cure, as about a bath with sea salt, but in cracked skin you must less to wet her. And allergy nature a disease herbs curing beginning with small dosages. In thickening niduses apply compresses of infusions herb hypericum, bidens, mint, as using in mixture as on same proportions taking or by separately.
2-3 tbl.sp. of mixture in glass of the hot water, infuse hour, wet pads or towel in infusion warm, apply to damage side for 15 min, or more, till cooling compress, doing these lotions for 3-4 times/day.
Effectibity and infusion of burdock roots as one tbl.sp. of chopped roots in glass of hot water, boil 7-10 min on the weak firem, use one tbl.sp. for 3 times/day. And of infusion, do warm lotion.
In peeling grease damage parts with warm olive oil. If eczema having with itch, drink infusion of leonurus, as improving sleep he is.2 tbl.sp. of herb add in 0.5 glass of the hot water, infuse hour, use 100 ml. for 3 times/day.
5. How to avoid recidives a chronic eczema?
Memory which stayed on skin or in organism is strong and sensitive , and eczema,if you are sicked on young ages as returning to you in ten years ,that you must to know, and if your immunity is weak. An importance not leave disease for gastrointestinal without attention, and neurotic conditions, where hormones are ejecting as gaining allergy reactions as in immunity lowered. And acuting of chronic eczema happening on spring and autumn. Limiting or avoiding fish bird, smoked meal, eggs, milk, radish red, tomatoes, carrot, beet, mushrooms, nuts, chocolate, honey, citric. Better add oats, buckwheat, rice porridges, sour milk food, boiled beef, potato, cabbage, green apples. A buckwheat benefit as powder, grind her, and use one tea.sp. on an every morning with kefir drinking or water for month, repeat a few times/year.
About remedies for preventing chronic eczema are Lactate calcium, Glycerophosphate calcium. Lactate calcium use 0.5-1 gr powder of, or pills 2-3 times/day, course are 2-3 weeks. Avoiding in thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
Glycerophosphate calcium use 0.2-0.5 gr for 2-3 times/day for 2-3 weeks. In complex therapy will be a benefit Ascorutine use one pill for 2 times/day after meal for month, repeat within 2-3 times/year, but before cure ask in doctor to avoid side effects!
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