Recipe of ointment which cures fistula, wounds, bedsores.
Mix 0.5 glass of kalanchoe, one tbl.sp. Poplar buds, hypericum chopped, 100 ml. of sunflower oil, and infuse week for in dark place, after grease problem places.
In gall stones.
Mixing 3 tea.sp. og herb chelidonius, one tbl.sp. fl. calendula, 150 ml. of spirit 70 perc, infuse 2 weeks, filter, use on ten drops in 0.5 glass of water for 2 times?day after meal.
In stomach ulcer.
Good helps hyppophae oil. As juice of berries pressed , filtered, infuse in cold place, in 4 dsys oil is on the top displaying, remove his, use one tea.sp. for 3 times/day before meal, course month one. And this oil helps in burns, cracked anus, inside haemorrhoid.
And in bad healing wound in my arsenal recipe of chop and mix one tbl.sp. of aloe leafs, herb chelidonius, 2 tea.sp. of plantain leafs, add warm water till mass thick getting ,like porridge, apply mass on the gauze and apply to wound, repeat cure till a full healing.
In hypertension.
One tbl.sp. honey, juice of beet, horse radish, add lemon juice, use one tbl.sp. for 2 times/day before meal, for 1-1.5 months.
And effective cure for cough, bronchitis.
Mix 0.5 kg of chopped onion, 50 gr of honey, 400 gr of sugar, cook in one l. of water for hour, use 2 tbl.sp. for 3 times/day before meal.
Disease better to prevent.
Since a cold time is flue attacks us, but better diseases better to prevent,than to cure.
Till flue season beginning we are as me with my family using remedy of chopped half lemon with peel, add 7 pieces of middle garlic, add all in half. l. of jar glass, add cold boiled water, infuse in dark place for 4 days, after keep in refrigerator. Use one time/day before meal on the morning one tbl.sp. Ending remedy when, am cooking new portion.
Taiga remedy.
Am enjoying using forest remedies.
Helped always a Forest from Taiga. Taiga is a rich for nature and remedies, am enjoying using herbs and Siberian alder bark , which of infusion cooking.
1-2 tbl.sp. of chopped bark adding in thermos on evening, with lid of glass , add 0.5 l. of the hot water, infuse till morning. Filter. Use 1/5 part of ready infusion, for 4-5 times/day before meal from 1-6 months /as in long time staying diseases , with rest on week for after every 15 days a remedy use. And infusion not keep on light, keep day one in refrigerator for 2 days.
A remedy cure adenoma, ulcers stomach and small bowel, thick bowel, thin bowel inflammations, colitis, gout, cold, diarrhea, anti -microbe, allergy risk lows, and not use in chronic constipations.
Herbs are faithful companions.
On my 34 y.old ,since childhood am having strong headaches, bely heaviness, stomach destroys, seborrhoea, cough, am not smoking, sleepiness. Remedies are not affected on my life,as not helped me, worsened conditions, thus am asked in my aunt about herbs ,that helped me fought my problems.
Within 8 months am used following mixture: Hypericum, clover, tansy, inula helenium, plantain, centaurea, bidens, agrimony, wormwood, artemisia.
Am used on same quantiles parts, and chopped added 1.5 tbl.sp. of mass in 0.5 l. of water and infused hour, filtered, added one tbl.sp. of honey, used before half hours till meal on 150 ml. for 3 times/day, every 2 months added rest, for ten days, and in additional to this cure am rubbed face with diluted water of grapefruit extract as one to one.
And am avoided synthetic remedies, herbs are stayed my companion faithful, reading zoz for ten years, and am a aunt, she is very best knowledges gives, and admirer.
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