Am felt gums hurt one day, swollen, till right eye closed, thus am cooked chilli tea of glass hot water added pinch of burned pepper, added sugar b taste. And by very small gulps drunk tea.In three hours again tea cooked and drunk. And in a few hours my problem removed. Share recipe with my daughter, which in more for month gum inflamed, that pharmacy remedies not helped, she's going for hospital, but she has drunk tea with chill for 3 times/day, on a second day he felt better, stopped inflammation, she is not visited hospital.
After this case we are always keeping chilli, is power natural antibiotic, as his adding in soups, second dishes.
What intuition said.
Am recently found control on herpes, which after cold stayed. Felt hurt under lip and liquidated with sol.propolis, my intuition told me. Wetted pads and applied to hurt , kept till stopped pinching, for 5 min, yes, pinches stopping and herpes removed.
And sol. propolis helped me fought fungus nail.
Alternately greased ache legs with sol.prop0lise or sol. of peroxide ammonium, one day with proplise other day with ammonia manufactured nails, and course is month, now my legs are healthy. Am reading press without glasses, for year, using on dark weather, and in bad lighting, my vision improved thanks for keywords ,where are having just words, numbers without questions and interpretation, in every is adding hint, which helps solving all crosswords .And on the playing time eyes are moving constantly as moving up and down, finding number to adding right words. And here retinas moving up and down, left to right, double benefit here as gymnastic for eye and for mind.
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