Since 15 y.old am felt restless legs' syndrome, used all cure, as and spa, rubbing of pharmacy, ointments and nothing helped me. And later am found simple recipe am though, that I must to try. Filled half l. of jar with fresh leafs of horseradish, knead theirs, and added till top a vodka. Put in dark place, and in three days every evening am rubbed legs from knees and lower, till ankles. Am cure for month till rubbing ending, and of course am not noticed ,that legs stopped worried me .And sleeping better and since year am not moving with legs ,when am sitting, and this recipes was published in zoz, am confirming, that he is effective.
The result surpasses all of mine expectations.
Zoz subscribing on since 2002, as my recipe is against cataracts, am using tincture of potato.
Potato shoots am taking, put in oven, lead till crunch , after grinding or pressing, or kneading with bottle, one tbl.sp. without a top adding in jar of glass and adding 200 ml. of vodka quality, infuse 14 days, shaking every day, after filter, use for 3 times/day one desert sp. before meal. And when tincture ending adding rest for 2 weeks, and for this time am cooking new and repeating cure course. Within 3 years periodically taking this infusion and not having worries on my eyes, reading, and not wearing glasses on my 75 y.old.
And still recipe, when my right shin hurt, palpated thrombus.
Am mixed and chopped 100 gr of flowers chamomile, birch buds yellow sandy everlasting and hypericum. And before two hours till sleep one tbl.sp. of mixture added in thermos with 0.5 l. of the hot water, not right away a closed with lid, two min removed steam, and filtered before sleep, received two glasses .One glass with one tea.sp. used and gone in bed. On the morning second glass warmed on water bath and used same also mixed in his one tea.sp. of honey, and used this without stopped course and result true surpassed of my all expectations .Sine a few years and thrombus dissolved.
Use on an empty stomach.
Sharing with recipe for you for cleaning kidneys.
On one l. of jar put 30 gr of laurel leaf, 30 gr of seeds dill, add 0.7 l. of vodka, or samogone, infuse 12 days in dark, not a cold place, everyday shake jar, since morning on an empty stomach use 2 tbl.sp. of tincture diluting in 50 ml. of water and cook portion for day.
3tbl.sp. of tincture dilute in 200 ml. of water, drink by gulps within a day and not depending on from the meal time, course a cure 2 months.
Urine is will be cloudy, and in her can display sand, small stones, thus kidneys are cleaning.
And still a good remedy.
For kidneys cure.
Seeds oof petroselinum one tea.sp. on evening add in 0.5 l. of the hot water, in thermos, infuse night, use on 100 ml. before meal, and same cook are roots of petroselinum.
Ginger tea and honey drops.
A simple recipes are used by me and my friends.
Against stuffy nose, sinusitis, chronic antritis use one tbl.sp. liquid honey and boiled cooled water, drip in every nostril on 2 drops for 2-3 times/day till remedy ending. That remedy free sinuses from secretions and fighting inflammatory process. And in feeling burning, not worry, he will remove. Cold into keeping remedy, warm slightly before use.
In knee aches helping good is ginger tea ,2 tea.sp. of grinded ginger add in two glasses o the hot water, mix, add 0.5 tea.sp. of honey, use tea within a day.
Baby s cream removed spots.
Neck, shoulders are filled with spots white. Vitiligo is put diagnosis. Am read recipe in press, not remember his name and cooked ointment.20 chopped grinded pills aspirin, added of tube baby s cream kept remedy in refrigerator.
Greased spots for 2-3 times/day on an everyday. On fifth day spots are removed. Now skin on his body is clean, spots are not attacked him.
On the piece of lard.
One day my friend saw wound on my heels advice cure of piece a salted free lard grease heels for night. And not nutrition, a which with peel. After wear old cotton socks for preventing a bed dirty, doing cure till cracked removing. Am cured a few days as a few evenings am decided a heel problem.
The end!
All advices, recipes using just with your doctor s allowing!
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