On my 86 y.old am having 7 children's, on my old daughter is 52 y.old, small son is 2 y.old, lots of having envy for my activity about yoga propaganda. Creativity learned and though for heritage by Indian yogas , and am in success organized a town, and a school of Russian yoga which are 27 years working in Moscow , as institute is ready specializing in this area.
4. You are a teacher for Guru, share with our ready concrete advices for extension a youth.
Mobility activity is an ideal resistance for destroying processes for ageing. And here effectivity on the morning is muscle-joint gymnastic, which strengthening bone system , and preventing fat and salted depositions, affecting on vertebra flexibility, training vestibular apparatus .And in training is widening diapason for work of cardiovascular system, protecting from her a negative affecting. Human staying more balancing , optimistic, self-confidence.
Exercises building on the alternating for tension and relaxing. .Am share about a very simple and accessible and for the new are exercises, which doing in sitting position, slowly temp increasing, but ending slowly.
Sit on chair, stretching to the front hands and legs or on the floor, rising legs under corner on 45 degrees, move with a same time with wrists and feets up and down, or left to the, and right , or turning on the clockwise or against for 5-25 times faster, and slowly, free breath.
Sit, hands on the knees, slowly incline head, maximally back and to the front-down, trying to touch with chin a breast are 25 times, in hypertension and osteochondrosis doing this exercises very care.
Sit, hands on the knees, slowly incline head to the left and right shoulder, increasing temp, and sharpness, rending slowly -are 25 times.
Roll head, touching a spine, shoulder, breast is in one side, after in other are 25 times.
Peck is not incline head to the shoulder, to the front-back, again to the front-back, to the left-back are 8-10 times.
Stretch hands to the front and cross theirs, connect palms, and intertwine fingers. Turn crossed hands down and to oneself, up-and to the front, straightening elbows and not disconnect fingers. Return back, and repeat exercise, changing places are hands are 5-7 times.
Put hands on the knees, turn shoulder joints on 25 times in every side.
Rise hands over head, intertwine fingers and pull up , after to the right, trying like tearing off yourself from earth. Incline alternately tearing off from the floor a one, and other buttock are 3–5 times.
Connect hands behind a spine taking for opposite elbows, keep spine straight, on breath in, not tearing off buttocks from the floor, incline to the side. Returning with breathe out in initial position, doing incline in other side are 2-3 times.
To master these complexes you can add swings with legs as bicycle, scissors, walking, run on the straightened, bent legs, turning imaginary hola-hoop, squats on the both, one legs.
5. Looking on you, am convincing , that exercises, yoga by your case are prolonging youth.
Yes, for 100 percent, as for adults to prolong a youth are not needing leading to records, but just mobility. Physical loading not gives for ageing processes weak nerve system, endocrine, cardiovascular system, breath, and other systems for organism activity.
As for example, is almost, my peer, as an oldest supermodel in the world Daphne Selfe , that on her 85 y.old she is popular for a leading shows of fashion s home , and form she's supporting with yoga, healthy life mode, natural food by fruits diet, and work is needing for all her life part. Thus, am advising for all , who is not begun kept an own health, and laziness fight and change addiction of pills on everyday muscle effects, on the trainings.
Mobility is a true way to the healthy longevity.Am convinces on my own experience.
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