Many years am collecting recipes, as three times displayed heel spur, but I collected 100 advices on her cure. On every disease is an own cure, keeping in individual file or envelope, and one file is calls" Free cure".
If on the morning head hurt, we are taking saving pill as analgin, or aspirin, citramone or baralgin. Today am share, these are chemical connections are not harmless.
One cure, other harmless.Am on pension, am not fast person, trying correcting health with a most saving methods.
And beginning curing with a putting: Remove worry, fear, apathy, and very importance self-hypnosis, attitude.
And stronger confidence in itself. Thus, a faster recovering going.
As by whispering or in mind sit or lie for 30 times and a few times/day and not depending on from reason , causing headache am repeating: " Am healthy, head stopped hurt, feeling better and better, words are probably other, but say affirmatively , but without no, thus avoid say no hurts, and right is head stopped hurt.
Every morning beginning with pray, sometimes for fighting headache is enough face wash as forehead, with hot water, or use one from variants compresses:
Is piece put in packet and wrap in fry towel, and on forehead keep 5-7 min, but not more.
In packet add warm on 40C water, put forehead on a packet, closing with dry towel.
On a healing affecting a colour, at home avoiding dark shadows, brown sofa closed with blue blanket, scarf knitted added on my chair of light-green colour, added healed plants and talking with plants, in indisposition turn in comfortable music, calm sitting with red towel on eyes, wetting his with cool water, and for help goes aroma therapy smelling dried leafs and flower tops of oregano, grinded in powder.
Am a village woman, was born in village, where hospital and pharmacy not stayed, headache we fought with geranium, leaf rolled in balls entered in ears, thus geranium at village called brainwash.Or other method, pressed of a leaf's juice and greased temple and forehead.And cat too helps, as lady cat put care on your knees and care strokes against wool.
Effect healing leading for calculation a spastic elector.
Help in headache and self massage.
1.doing ten pressing with fingers on a notching under nose.
2. Fingers big of hands entered in ears and synchronically pressing on the tragus of both hands from inside and slightly on top, to eyes, press and remove, so doing three times with one min in interval.
3. Simple method is lie, relax , light circle moves massage head with direction finger from temples till neck, for 2-3 min.
4. In suddenly attack of headache, spit on fingers as faster and energy rubbing against clockwise are temples and point betweens . Every 15 min doing , till ache calms.
5. In strong headache slowly brushing hairs with wood brush for 7-10 min, and therefore we are played in game as "Self -massagist".
And before sleep to play as Self-psychotherapeutist. As talk with our subconscious , and on breathe in to say:" I'm forgiving and let go all is passed ,I'm forgiving itself and love, approving itself".
Am enjoying walks, 1-2 gulps of water doing am walking going, trying relaxing, doing breathing exercises, as calming breathing, on breath in calculating: 1,2,3,4,5.After breathe out delaying , calculating till 3, , look to left, right, stronger, but not faster head turning.As close to my home, is forest, walking here and singing songs.And singing helping fighting headaches and not depending on from vocal stats. Singing is all of removing negative emotions.And still helping in headaches saying sound v-v-v-v , and on how much breathe enough.And under this cure is laugh boisterously my spouse in forest walking. And laughing with her, laugh therapy too benefit.
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