Traditional sauna drinks on Russia are teas and kvas. Black tea received a high spreading in peoples on the end 18 and begin 19 centuries. What are drunk on Russia till tea?And these are herbal teas, as currant, fragaria vesca leafs , cypress, and which called ivan-chai, infusion of twigs fruit trees. Black tea is benefit and appreciated drink, but ,like coffee is stimulant as having a strong effecting substances are tannine, caffeine, theobromine . And thus an idea to drink tea after sauna is a not best . Organism removed slags, cleaned,thus black tea for him, like a coffee, i\s very hard drink. And better drink green tea. Green tea is a not specific taste and aroma of black tea, fresh aroma, like in fresh hay, and astringency.And importance components for green tea are tannins, theotannins is affecting as anti-inflammatory and astringent on mucus for gastrointestinal, and tie protein animal origin and effective anti poison against salts and hard metals. Pectins in green tea are 2-3 percent, and on the last time scientists are more sharing about a favourable role a pectin for health and human. And by researches ,that pectin lead in not changed kind to thick bowel, and toxins removing , bacteria, absorbing abundant gases, relieving digestion. A base tea vitamin is P. Strengthening for walls of blood vessels and preventing from haemorrhages, but green tea is not having P vitamin activity.Enough are 2-3 glasses for tea for fill a daily norm for human s organism these vitamins.
Mineral substances in tea are true treasure, these are salts of calium, phosphorus, and his connections, iron salts, manganese, thus a most higher tea sort, thus more having phosphorus and calium. Calium supports a normal activity for cardiovascular system, and in sauna human loosing much liquid with a which are loosing salts of calium, thus we are recommending drinking green tea for thirst fight, and preventing supporting cardiovascular system. Today green tea is keeping popularity , by his unique effects, as awesome catching free radicals and antitumor effect having. Green tea entering in products, where needing using who living in bad ecological conditions , as In Chernobyl, and his a good hit in beauty region, as anti stress and antibacterial, is good for stressed skin, as reacting on stress with covering spots. If a goal for sauna visiting are ideal, sauna drink is fresh citric juice, as good cleans lymph, blood, keeping cleaning process , as beginning in sauna-room, also you can drink an other vegetable juices.After sauna procedure organism take from vitamin cocktail a maximal benefit. But what is to do who enjoying caffeine? Tat habit to these drinks, and living with these drinks. You can check are next posts here about recipes in cooking herbal teas, kvas, as effecting of caffeine softening by other components. And who enjoying exotic are ability trying Paraguayan tea is mate . And his you can buy in special markets for tea and coffee. In South America Livers a big popularity having are leafs of green leafs , as cooking mate. For one time/year preparing, cutting young leafs, as fixing, like wreath, which drying on fire. Sapeking after, leafs rub till powder and fry on weak fire,till aroma specific getting and golden-green colour. After powder put in dish, as on thick gourd, add hot water, aspen juice, sugar, rum or milk, and leaving on net a aspen or metallic tube with net on the end bombilla and sip through her a burning drink, till a free dish. After again add hot water, sugar add, and keeping drinking. Ritual keeping for a few hours.But this tea is very benefit, that for 2 times less having caffeine ,than in traditional tea. Mate in South America is god s elixir for life, as importance place having in aborigines. Improving heart work, gastrointestinal, strengthening memory, and nerve system.
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