And in his having a right rhythmical as matching with a rhythms of changes a surrounding environment.
And such work is matching for a work of our organs , system and digestion. And if you are in eating such meal is attending such rhythmically,thus you are loading lowering on digestion. And if not attending, thus you are over loading for digestion.And also a rationality is load for digestion, as for not over load his. And on a middle, human eat for 3 times a day .As on a first half day is morning on our organism is ready to over digest optimally and absorb carbohydrates are,thus your breakfast are pies, porridge's, baked meal, sweets. As on lunch and after lunch a body ready to over digest a hard meal, as meat of meat,fish, eggs, bird and mix with vegetables you can. And of cereals use a just buckwheat. Dinner are three variants having as milk food, whole milk, sour milk, vegetables or fruits, vegetables are different, as mix, but fruits are two kinds together or just one. As cherry or apple or cherry with plums, but not are together cherry, plums, gooseberry they are over load organism.
A green good add with lunch, or dinner. And in such ration meal is a full absorb and with a less energy lost. And still myth having about unsaturated substances as vitamins, amino-acids, which we are need receive from a meal, as and omega 3,you are never avoid her, and these are all myths and not true. And such substances are not having, as in check Mendeleev s table as how he is written, and not a how his shared in books by chemistry, thus a first element is ether and of ether atoms are containing and other elements and vacuum, which is empty for us. And other substances are having a right quantities of ether atoms, helium as a three and etc. And why it is very importance? As our organism to synthesis a self are needing for him substances and this evidences are Humans on North, which are not eating of vegetables, just fish, deer eating,and all are happy,healthy and children's was born.. And living they are 100 -1000 years as not sick, dead.As in Africa having a nomadic tribe, which walk on 80 km a day, and everyday they are eating of seeds handful plant, water. But in these are not having all substances,which are needing for our life by our medicine, but if this tribe lives and breeding,thus a needing in organism are all having. Any meal is over digesting,absorbing and healthy, normal organism is in condition to synthesis are substances,which are needing for him for a vital activity. And individual situation,when for our organism are needing additional substances, as if we are weak, or we are run a body till a bad condition, as metabolism is bad, thus here is synthesis for needing substances are not happening , thus a need to add in ration vitamins and micro elements. And for healthy peoples to use vitamins and micro-elements are not needing using, but if you are will use,as organism to plant as entering outside ,he can to lost ability theirs self manufacturing.As also, if you are insulin using and in half year your pancreas will stop produce insulin. As if you will often use thyroid gland hormone,thus in half year a body stops synthesis this hormone.As a law for keeping energy having as a why to lost energy for a produce a this, that you are getting outside. And its and for entering in organism any useful substances. And therefore a one from a principles healthy meal system its a understand,that you can eat an all, but a listen an own body, eat,what he want. And if you want eat this, eat his, if an other, eat an other. If not , avoid to fill in organism ,that a time begun to eat. As not want, not eat. Want to eat, thus eat. And we are living is socium, where is not having a possibles sometimes ,what a body asks, but by a possible, all body s need is must to satisfy.
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