Vessel diseases are very spreading conditions, and in many cases are reasons for letal results,what we are are need to know for prevent infarctus and stroke?
What is hypertension?
As long time ago her called hypertonic disease.
Arterial pressure having two groups as symptomatic is 5 percent from an all cases a pressure rising and essential,which having are 95 perc.cases from an all cases.And essential on latin means unknowns origin, as medicine do not know about , where she taken, but on a true this is a false. As in physiologists work on 40 years ,last century are described reasons for hypertension. And if medics could not knew a reasons for pressure rising,thus they are not need to know it. And why? Because this is not advantageously, and if we not knew reasons, thus we are curing results.And in all world hypertension curing with pills, which blocks mechanisms a pressure rising and its all.
And rising pressure is a not diseases,and not a symptom, symptoms are hurt displays, but a result for compensatory organism work. And what you can to compensate with hypertension? And its simple. As we having a vital importance organs,which are need to get enough oxygen.These are three base organs, lows blood supply with is prohibit, and organism knows this. And its a brain,after is heart, and kidneys. Narrowing vessels,which supply these organs a blood will decrease her current, and this is prohibit to do.
And what is organism need to do, that through a vessel a small diameter for a same unit of time is pump a same blood, as before through a vessel of big size .Its right, organism need to rise pressure in system and he works right. And a most often this a brain, as 70 perc. of hypertension tied with a failure blood inflow to brain. And what is destroy a blood inflow to the brain? A decrease vessel space. And what are decrease for vessel space? These are three factors affecting. First is our our stress, as activating sympathetic system, which causing narrowing or spasming vessels and pressure is rising.
Second is age, or cholesterol rising,as cholesterol rising with age, like plaques, in atherosclerosis , here too decreasing space in vessels, plaque not allows doing this,and blood supply decreasing and pressure is rising,therefore a go compensation,so as prohibit to low a blood supply of brain. And third is artery squeezing outside, and a most often happening in vertebra arteries as in region of four top neck vertebras, when loading muscles of neck, they are pulling vertebras as with each other and arteries are squeezing.And this is mechanic squeezing a reason in 70 percent cases for hypertension,and for a low pressure here you need to relax neck muscles.And for relax these muscles and restoring a normal blood current is on vertebra arteries you can use a following exercises.Lie on the floor, as tighter to the wall, and put on her a head, and so relaxing muscles of neck and after move a body for a wall relatively as she squeezed on head and on the pre shoulder,such are are relaxing side muscles of neck,and in every from these poses you can staying for 2 min, side muscles is to stretch from a both sides.
And still are three reasons for hypertension as called before .First is stress, second is atherosclerosis, third is muscles loading. And for fight symptoms you need to compute and remove.And if you are going on way,for remedies using which are not giving giving for organism to compensate a blood supply failure,thus this a direct way to infarctus and stroke .Or you organism will be a stronger ,than pills and will rise pressure ,till vessels burst. Or organism will be a weak for pills and they will block mechanism for pressure rise and a blood supply for brain is destroyed. And in first case this is hemorrhagic stroke , second is ishemic pathology.If pathology tied with heart, this a infarctus. Therefore is pressure is raised,thus do not use hypertensive remedies,you need to remove a reasons for narrowing are vessels space.
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