Chop hibiscus fruits, add in ashberry berries, add boiling water, boil for ten min, infuse for 5 hours,filter,and add sugar, mix.
2 tbl.sp. of dried ashberry berries are 2 tbl.sp. dried hibiscus berries, one l. of water, 50 gr of sugar.
In ashberry juice add apple and beet juices, mix, add sugar, cool.
6 tbl.sp. ashberry juice is glass of apple juice, 3 glasses of beet juice, 6 tea.sp. of for sugar.
Ashberry drink As Kama.
2 glasses of ashberry juice, 4 tbl.sp. honey, 4 tbl.sp. cranberry juice to mix, and cool. Serve to ice cream or shaken creams.
Ashberry kvas.
Selected,and scaled ashberry chop, add water and cook ten min. Filter juice,add sugar, cool,add diluted yeasts, mix good. Add in bottles, close and infuse for three days in a cool place.
one kg of ashberries are two glasses of sugar, 4 l. of water,ten gr of yeasts.
Ash berry jam.
Selected and washed berries add in water, cook till softness, rub through sieve, add sugar, and cook till a needing thickness.
one kg of ashberries are 500 gr of sugar, glass of water .
Ashberry pastila.
Ashberry berries boil in water for ten min, add on sieve, rub, add sugar, and put a layer on one cm on the wood trays and dry in oven in low temp.
one kg of berries are 600 gr of sugar.
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