In ashberry juice add sugar, and add glass of water, lead till boiling and starch slowly keeping, diluting in water, mix, till boiling.
2 tbl.sp. ashberry juice is one tbl.sp. of sugar, 2 glasses of water, one tbl.sp. potato starch.
2 tbl.sp. of ashberry juice is one tbl.sp. sugar, 2 glasses of water, one tbl.sp. potato starch.
Ashberry jelly.
Selected,washed berries scald in boiling water salted, for a bitter taste lowering,after rinse a cold water berries.Scaled berries cook in 2 glasses of water,and press mass through gauze, add sugar, and cook a jelly till a need consistence.
one kg of berries are 2 glasses of water, 100 gr of sugar.
Apples wetting with ash berry.
Ready apples and ash berry add in pot, add cooled solution as cooked of water,sugar, salt, keep in cool place for 30days.
5 kg of ashberry are 5 kg of apples , 500 gr of sugar, 100/200 gr of salt, ten l. of water.
Ashberry frozen in brush.As after leafs removing as when she is in brushes to fix theirs under roof on ropes for freezing ,and serve frozen kind in, not separating berries from brushes.
Ashberry frozen in sugar powder.
A separate brries from brushrd,wash, sprinkle a sugar powder,sprinkle in one layer on trays, put on frost, serve as frost kind to the tea and wine.
Ashberry tea.
300 gr of dried ashberry berries, 50 gr of dried raspberry berries , 25 gr of dried leafs black currant mix, and use for cooking.
Aroma Ahberry tea.
100 gr of dried berries ashberry, 30 gr of dried fl. ashberry, ten gr of mint piperine, mix,use for cooking as of two tbl.sp. mixed mass in glass for the hot water.
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