Before 5 min till a ready in meat broth put berries of juniperus as 4 berries for portion and cook till ready,as chopped berries adding in plates with soup on the table as one tea.sp. berries for 5 portions.
Juniperus berries.
before 5 min till a ready in kvas add infusion of juniperus as 20 berries for one l. of kvas.
Cabbage sauerkraut as with juniperus.
20 gr of dried berries chop, and cook in one l. of water.Add infudion in cabbage in salting as 0.5 l. for ten kg of cabbage.
Hunter s meat.
Cut meat on cubes as four on four cm and in thick on one cm, wet in marinade for 4 hurs, and fry. As for marinade cooking are berries juniperus cooking in water, separate infusion, cool,add chopped onion, garlic, vinegar.
One kg of beef meat is 20 gr of juniperus, 100 gr of onion, 20 gr of garlic, one l. of water,salt, vinegar by taste.
Beer of juniperus berries.
Fresh berries cook i water for 30 min, filter, cool, add honey, and yeasts, mix, put for infuse till fermenting. When yeasts are rising up, again mix and add in bottles.Close bottles with lids and put for 5 days in a cool place.
200 gr of juniperus are 2 l. of water, 50 gr of honey, 25 gr of yeasts.
Juniperus syrup.
Berries are to chop, add water, warm till 50C, keep this temp for 3 hours, filter, cool, and use for aromatization meat dishes and drinks.
one kg of berries are 3 l. of water.
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