50 gr of raspberry juice , 20 gr of cold milk add in glass of non sweet strong tea, cold, serve.
Dessert drink As Raspberry cream.
Selected,wash berries add in mixer, add cuted on pieces a apple, sugar, cold milk, shake for 2 min, and on top in glass put shaken creams.
For one portion 0.5 glass of ripe raspberry, apple, one tbl.sp. of sugar, 0.5 glass of cold pasteurized milk, 10 gr of shaken creams.
Cocktail as Raspberry or Malinka.
Selected,washed berries add in sugar, add dry wine one glass,close a dish with with a mass. Infuse are 2 hours.Before serve add wine and mineral water. Add ice cubes and serve. And to cocktail you can serve sandwiches, cakes, berries.
6 portions of cocktail are 2 glasses of raspberry, 0.5 glass of sugar, 2 glasses of dry white wine, bottle of mineral water, 6 ices cubes.
Cocktail as Coral.
Rub egg in sugar powder, rub berries with a wood spoon and mix in egg, add raspberry juice, cold milk, juice of lemon, add rum or brandy, mix good, cold, serve with ice cubes.
4 portions are glass of raspberry, 0.5 glass of raspberry juice, lemon, 2 glasses of cold pasteurized milk, egg, 2 tbl.sp. of sugar powder, 2 tbl.sp. of rum or brandy, 8 cubes of ice.
Cocktail as Russian beauty.
Rub egg with sugar, add cold milk, raspberry juice, mix, cold ,serve with ice.
5 portions are two glasses of juice, 2 glasses of cold pasteurized milk, egg, sugar by taste, 5 cubes of ice.
Cocktail as Queen.
In mixer mix cold milk, raspberry juice, serve with ice.
4 portions of cocktail are 2 glasses of raspberry juice, 2 glasses of cold boiled milk, 8 cubes of ice.
Hot raspberry tea.
Three tbl.sp. of raspberry syrup add in glass of strong hot tea.
Grog of raspberry.
In shaken creams add sugar powder, and raspberry juice, mix good, add on plate or glasses,decorate with fresh berries raspberry, and in plate a drink you cam decorate with cookies, meringues.
4 portions is 0.5 glass of raspberry syrup, 1/3 glass of sugar powder, 2 glasses of creams, 8 berries of fresh raspberry.
Rasberry sbiten.
Honey let in hot water,add raspberry juice, lead till boiling, mixing, boil 2 hours. Foam remove,cold drink till 25C, add yeasts, and infuse for fermenting for 12 hours. As fermented mash put in stewed, washed good wood barrel,close good and put in cold for month. After add in bottles,which to keep as on lie position,serve as cold.
6 portions are glass of natural honey, glass of raspberry juice, one tbl.sp. liquid yeasts, one l. of water.
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