In mixer add yolk, raspberry juice, sugar syrup, milk, ice, and mix for minute, filter, serve.
One portion flip is one tbl.sp. raspberry juice, one tbl.sp. sugar syrup, yolk, 0.5 glass of cold pasteurized milk, 2 cubes of ice.
A drink as Premier.
Selected raspberry wash, filter, chop berries, add in mixer, add cooled milk, creams, sugar powder and shake.
4 portion a drink are two glasses of raspberry, glass of cold boiled milk, glass of creams, 4 tbl.sp. of sugar powder.
Cocktail As Pole.
Selected,washed raspberry add inhand juicer, separate juice in mixer,add ice cream, cold milk, mix till foam, serve.
Four portiond of cocktail is 0.5 kg of raspbery, 100 gr of ice cream, glass of cold pasteurized milk.
Drink as Purpur.
In mixer add yolk, add raspberry syrup, cold milk, mix. Add in glass, on a top put shaken creams,serve drink to breakfast.
For one portion is one tbl.sp. raspberry syrup, yolk, 0.5 glass of cold pasteurized milk, 10 gr of shaken creams.
Raspberry sourbet.
One portion for use one tbl.sp. raspberry syrup, 50 gr of strawberry ice cream, add shaken in mixer milk and raspberry syrup , serve not mixing.
Raspberry syrup.
Selected berries chop, rub through sieve, filter through two gauze layer, in received juice add sugar as 2 kg for one l. a juice, warm till a full diluting a sugar, and till boiling beginning,add lemon acid, lead till boiling, remove foam, again lead till boiling, filter through sterile gauze,add in jars and without additional pasteurization put for keep.
As for 2 kg of raspberry is 2 kg of sugar, 8 gr of lemon acid.
Raspberry feeze.
White eggs, raspberry syrup, juice of lemon, ice add in mixer, shake for 2 min till foaming, filter in glass ,add gas water and serve.
For portion two cubes of ice, one tbl.sp. ready raspberry syrup, lemon, white egg, 0.5 glass of gas water.
Raspberry Gulep.
As in glass dilute sugar ,add twigs of mint and chop with spoon for 2 min, remove twigs, add chopped ice, add raspberry and lemon juices, add vanilla syrup, decorate raspberry berries and shaken creams.
for portion a gulep are three twigs of mint, 2 tea.sp. of sugar, 2 tbl.sp. raspberry juice, one tbl.sp. lemon juice, two tea.sp. of vanilla syrup, 2 tbl.sp. of water, 2 ices, ten gr of shaken creams, 5 berries of raspberry.
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