As all paralysis are having as spastic and weak, as first having in in damage of spine brain as on neck and breast level, and in cerebral palsy, as a calling as spastics.
As a second for destroy of spine brain and horse s tail is on waist level, as for results of polymielitis and strokes and head brain. And paralysis having paresis as part and plegias is a full. As low paraplegia is a full legs paralysis and teraparesis is part paralysis for hands and legs.
Spastic is a display for high muscle tone, and involuntary moves.Spasms are having in muscles,which in healthy people is in control of sense,as managing by a brain, as and after injury or disease a spine brain having in spinal shock and nerve impulses through injured or sicked part is not transfers. As tension reflexes are not having as in weak shock they are restoring as on distortion kind and in damage for spine brain is on the level of neck and breast sizes, so as a lower spine brain is absences.As in healthy person in any irritation, injection, burn of skin and hair remove is a sign for a sensitive tissues on nerve and spine brain enters in head brain and he is give indication for remove that bad feeling. And other is spine brain is broken, and ache impulse lead till obstruction.As he moving up and down on fenced part, as causing over exciting, grow for muscle tone, and no control moves.And other nature having are spastic and atetosis as a non controlling fast moves of body and extremities , and mimic, as in patients with cerebral palsy.
As high muscle tone causing are characterizing poses as not allowing standing up on the legs and distortion mimic gives and moral suffers. As a strong exhausted spastic in spinals and cerebral is not attending or relaxing and resting. As timely her remove or weak with a deep warming and wrappings, exercises or top massage as in experiences massagist will rise tone.As in a family member needing teaching in professional a right massage to do as to such patient. As irritations causing for rising a tone of muscles and atetosis is having are inside and external.
As spinal with stage is not hard to define from where are they entering,as of periodically intrusive support of one leg is causing of pulling in groin.
As crack in buttock wrinkle is a reason for strong tone with tremor as big tremble in both legs.As tight shoes, pin in trousers, over filling urine bladder, gases in bowel, and stool hard filling are causing tremor.
As a leg will jerk involuntary is enter of hot water drop or cols, and tone is rises in over cooling, in squeezing of ortopedic apparatus, of a position body is monotonous. As spastic is a mess in organism, as need to analyzes his a search for a most simple reasons and ability using her. As using her in information goals you need to know, that moderate rising tone is gives for many disability is walk without apparatus as including in awareness move, or move from a chair in care,as stay on the straightened with spasm are legs.
As a second for destroy of spine brain and horse s tail is on waist level, as for results of polymielitis and strokes and head brain. And paralysis having paresis as part and plegias is a full. As low paraplegia is a full legs paralysis and teraparesis is part paralysis for hands and legs.
Spastic is a display for high muscle tone, and involuntary moves.Spasms are having in muscles,which in healthy people is in control of sense,as managing by a brain, as and after injury or disease a spine brain having in spinal shock and nerve impulses through injured or sicked part is not transfers. As tension reflexes are not having as in weak shock they are restoring as on distortion kind and in damage for spine brain is on the level of neck and breast sizes, so as a lower spine brain is absences.As in healthy person in any irritation, injection, burn of skin and hair remove is a sign for a sensitive tissues on nerve and spine brain enters in head brain and he is give indication for remove that bad feeling. And other is spine brain is broken, and ache impulse lead till obstruction.As he moving up and down on fenced part, as causing over exciting, grow for muscle tone, and no control moves.And other nature having are spastic and atetosis as a non controlling fast moves of body and extremities , and mimic, as in patients with cerebral palsy.
As high muscle tone causing are characterizing poses as not allowing standing up on the legs and distortion mimic gives and moral suffers. As a strong exhausted spastic in spinals and cerebral is not attending or relaxing and resting. As timely her remove or weak with a deep warming and wrappings, exercises or top massage as in experiences massagist will rise tone.As in a family member needing teaching in professional a right massage to do as to such patient. As irritations causing for rising a tone of muscles and atetosis is having are inside and external.
As spinal with stage is not hard to define from where are they entering,as of periodically intrusive support of one leg is causing of pulling in groin.
As crack in buttock wrinkle is a reason for strong tone with tremor as big tremble in both legs.As tight shoes, pin in trousers, over filling urine bladder, gases in bowel, and stool hard filling are causing tremor.
As a leg will jerk involuntary is enter of hot water drop or cols, and tone is rises in over cooling, in squeezing of ortopedic apparatus, of a position body is monotonous. As spastic is a mess in organism, as need to analyzes his a search for a most simple reasons and ability using her. As using her in information goals you need to know, that moderate rising tone is gives for many disability is walk without apparatus as including in awareness move, or move from a chair in care,as stay on the straightened with spasm are legs.
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