As on my 69 y.old am alt a transport, as very energy,used and other sports kinds, as many peoples are waling wrong and bad,am used a right sporty walk,as many are angered on me,am smiled and talked for keep a right posture and not use a stick, they are answered on my age you will same use a stick..And many of peoples died of stroke,diabetes and cancer, or vodka.Bit my heels are hurt and spur displayed, am not used a stick,and kept right walks. am though about a reason and cure begun from my favourite zoz am getting his for ten years, am used medic books for reasons to find,and these are reason am understood, as salts in joints depositing.Am though about are salts removing and limiting her, as needing a right diagnosis for diseases and am found this is a gout as lord s disease of addicted wine,meat and vodka.As for salts removing needing a strong adsorbent and am read about a wetted rice as salt Free,so am cooked his, as in half. l. of jar added two tbl.sp. of rice, added water and infuse for day, as on the next day wash a water rice in first jar and added two tbl.sp. rice in other jar, and so on till are 5 jars.And when rice wetted in first jar are for 5 days, cooked his and eaten as salt free, as within a cooking time rinsed rice in all jars and free jar filled with tb.sp. 2 of rice and water and infused for 5 days, and After this you are avoiding drinking and eating for 4 hours.As in two weeks are spurs removed, but kept ache joints in walks, but am believed,that am finding on the right way, and kept eating wetted rice, as in half year ache stopped and almost removed, thus we are still to walk dear peoples!
A comments Dr. ALefirov about this post,as dear Lebedev Mr.Am appreciating for your optimist and positive goals, and they are right in diseases fighting and rice is good cure.And about a gout,as take care and not fast, as sometimes you must to be a lord and about a vodka you are right,that a few males are addicting of her, but gout is a not having signs for such diseases, as in gout damages a big finger of feet, as worsening happening of meat eating, proteins with a nitrogen's as of tannins and caffeine drinking, these drinks are purines bases having as of bad metabolism gout is displaying, and you are right any alchokol is worsening process as of and pepper using, thus in right diagnosis to put you must check blood test on the containing of urea acid ,and if her quantity is riding,than a norm, thus this is a gout. And gout are joints damaging and spurs heels is an other opera as these are calling exostosis as growing from the bone tissue as in the bone on which having pressure or easy injuring.
And maybe this is not interesting for you, but if rice helped you, thus for an other readers am sharing recipe against gout, as helps is a herb rubia tinctorium L. as one tbl.sp. of dried roots adding in glass of cooled water, infuse are 8 hours, filter, infuse are remains for ten minutes as in glass of hot water, filter, mix are both infusions, use as 1/3 glass for 4 times in a day are for 4 weeks.
As urine here colouring in brown red colour and not fear.
As next recipe of birch buds as one tea.sp. of buds adding in glass of the hot water, infuse for hour,filter, use within a day as on gulps for 4 weeks.
And in heels spurs are helping lotions with gall. As on the far East used a bear s gall , but you can and pharmaceutical gall as she is liquid. A wet gauze in gall, and bandage to the heel, where spur having, as doing this for night as for month, and in shoes put special roll of thick hard paper, which,like a ring circumflex a spur, preventing an injuring in walking.
A comments Dr. ALefirov about this post,as dear Lebedev Mr.Am appreciating for your optimist and positive goals, and they are right in diseases fighting and rice is good cure.And about a gout,as take care and not fast, as sometimes you must to be a lord and about a vodka you are right,that a few males are addicting of her, but gout is a not having signs for such diseases, as in gout damages a big finger of feet, as worsening happening of meat eating, proteins with a nitrogen's as of tannins and caffeine drinking, these drinks are purines bases having as of bad metabolism gout is displaying, and you are right any alchokol is worsening process as of and pepper using, thus in right diagnosis to put you must check blood test on the containing of urea acid ,and if her quantity is riding,than a norm, thus this is a gout. And gout are joints damaging and spurs heels is an other opera as these are calling exostosis as growing from the bone tissue as in the bone on which having pressure or easy injuring.
And maybe this is not interesting for you, but if rice helped you, thus for an other readers am sharing recipe against gout, as helps is a herb rubia tinctorium L. as one tbl.sp. of dried roots adding in glass of cooled water, infuse are 8 hours, filter, infuse are remains for ten minutes as in glass of hot water, filter, mix are both infusions, use as 1/3 glass for 4 times in a day are for 4 weeks.
As urine here colouring in brown red colour and not fear.
As next recipe of birch buds as one tea.sp. of buds adding in glass of the hot water, infuse for hour,filter, use within a day as on gulps for 4 weeks.
And in heels spurs are helping lotions with gall. As on the far East used a bear s gall , but you can and pharmaceutical gall as she is liquid. A wet gauze in gall, and bandage to the heel, where spur having, as doing this for night as for month, and in shoes put special roll of thick hard paper, which,like a ring circumflex a spur, preventing an injuring in walking.
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