Activation for virus, which slept , as in organism, is cornea injury. Where workers working with dust, repairing technique, builders, woods dust with, and with poison chemistry are entering in eyes ability. And save eyes with glasses wearing, that glasses are needing protecting against damaging. Just enough are glasses sometimes, but sometimes ,a work with elector, current, use special glasses shields, as wearing masks, hats in working with chemistry. As try to foresee dangerous and care against her. But if an misfortune happened and cornea of eye injured, thus not try self remove foreign body or wash eyes. Apply clean bandage and visit hospital. Just doctor can to prevent are hard complications. And am sure these posts are read suffered from herpetic keratitis, and ophthalmologists are such peoples share peculiar groups of risk, that on 50 percents cases happening recidives. For one time/year all suffered from herpetic keratitis need to investigate in ophthalmologist, but he advises course for anti-herpetic vaccinations .
By Kasparov, professor.
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