Today our speech just with boys, thus am asked to Lelja do not display. Here in our redactions are many letters ,that shares about why all are for girls? Make up, hygiene, gymnastic, fashion. We are.. Girls are informed about yourself, as shares Oleg from Irkutsk's, as with girls we are talk about this by smirks, but why with boys keeping till a coming of age as in an own drowsiness? Reproaches are not without bases, thus we are talk about male s problems.
Does am strong ? As one day when you are wake up on the morning, on 12–15 years is not asked, that you are sure in an own force, or a not time for you to recognize that you are true man. But boys are enjoying film stars as fans for Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee with forces and dexterity having. Our feeling depending on as a how we are sure in myself, as a how our high opinion matches with an opinion about us by surroundings. And they are surroundings , as classmates, friends, not close friends, are for this very importance as serious things as soul, mind. As rating myself by this unhinged position. As if you are not sure as for forces, braveness, thus a try to remove no, not sure, and bases for these sures. A thus for 30 y.old to get right, as a time need and on 12-15 y.old and month for right trains gives awesome visible results . And here are advices a few by sport master for Sambo A David Rudman ,that in force of which not doubt. Measure around on a biceps, shin, and compare with friends stats. Who is stronger? Not, who is having a big around for biceps, but in big sizes a muscle of tone true weak, thus muscle not ability optimally tension and relax. Thus, who need to pump up muscles to increase theirs size ,thus a work with big weight. And who want to add forces for muscles, thus train with weights less, and dumbbells, but doing exercises on fast temp. If you are never worked with weights gymnastic, thus remember, that to begin use weights on half-two kg , in 2 months begin to train with 3 kg weights.
Are here exercises complex for development of a force.
1. Stay on rack attention , weights are in down hands for body along , rise hands up through sides and low on initial position.
2. Both weights put on the shoulders, supporting theirs by hands, squat slowly , and not move heel from a floor.
4. Incline to the front, hands with weights separate in sides, low right hand down, left up, low left hand, and rise right.
5. Fix weights to legs, imitate undercut by right and left leg.
6. Stay free, use side stat, press hands with weights to the breast. Add hits alternately by right and left hand.
7. Sit on chair, weights put on shoulders, keeping theirs by hands, lie on the spine, after sit. Legs for comfortable fix under bed, wardrobe, or radiator.
8. Lie on the floor and on the belly. Weights tie and hang on neck, push-ups in emphasis, spine is straight.
9. Hands with weights behind spine, stay free, squat on toes , spine is straight.
10. Stay free, hands with weights down for body along, bend alternately hands in elbows, after push out by weights over head.
Beginner to repeat every exercises on ten times. Feeling, that complex doing easy, increase numbers of repeats till 15, in 1-2 months till 20 , better doing weight exercise before a mirror, controlling own actions. Not forget for breath, as free breath and rhythmically. Gymnastic is an awesome thing, she's doing are miracles, transforming depressed, stressed, sooped person with a lot of complexes .Am weak, ugly, and nobody not need in me in a strong, sure human. And who will do it, will sure ,these are true things. But one is having, that in your age is nothing interferes, if you are taking for weights , as faster energy on rising theirs all evening as catching on 10 kg, in a day is absolutely lost to this an interest. Yes, interest, can to fading , as to trains, and who is right and systematically training. But for these boys, David Rudman advices to fill in questionnaire. That help for you, your teacher for training or doctor at your school medical cabinet.
As on 25.01, 2025.
Size of breast on breathe in and out:
Force of wrist right, left:
Size of hip right, left:
Size of biceps right, left:
Run on 60 metres/sec/.
Run on 1000 metres /sec/:
Jump in length from a place/cm/:
Quantities for squats within 15 sec.:
Quantities for push-ups within 15 sec.:
An ability to keep corner /sec/.:
Jump in height/cm.:
And now for stimulus to regular training for you staying a possible to improve all stats ,thus to be a stronger, run faster, and higher, and far.
In a yes, since a regular training as gymnastic, maximally saturating all these months with sport, thus again fill in such questionnaire, and you will look, and you are changed.
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